I still have age spots, wrinkles, chubby cheeks with a wrinkly neck, freckles, and some saggy skin. Weight Maintenance and the right for you food template can only fix so much. LOL.
And it's not just me. Check out all the before and after photos at other Paleo, Primal, Low Carb, and Keto, NSNG support groups.
Marks Daily Apple https://www.marksdailyapple.com/success-stories-home/
Diet Doctor (LCHF) https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/success-stories
Paleo Success Stories http://paleononpaleo.com/category/paleo-success-stories/
Keto Success Stories (Public) https://www.ketogenicforums.com/c/progress/public-before-and-after-shots
Keto Success Stories (Private) - join and participate at https://www.ketogenicforums.com/ to see those
Fasting Success stories (IDM Program) https://idmprogram.com/testimonials/
HEAL Clinics (Eric Westman, MD) https://healclinics.com/success-stories-low-carb-results/
NSNG- Facebook Vinnie Tortorich's private group
Wow. It's a real treat for me to see people eating food for humans and comparing what they look like before and after. It's amazing what addressing your obesity inputs and applying your correct food template will do. I look different in a good way.
Jan 2009, pre half marathon photo, Carlsbad, CA |
I ate 6 times a day. It turned out so poorly
I kept my training friends and ditched low fat, high carb.
Flash forward to my long term weight maintenance plan, the correct food template, 60 minutes of moderate paced walking, 2X strength workouts per week and mobility exercises daily.
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January 2018, new glasses selfie! Costco |
When a food template works, when abstaining works it really shows. Lab work all the way to a selfie. Don't stop until you find the right food and exercise combo.
My late father was right, what didn't killed me did make me stronger. Onward.