2 hrs post glucose, potatoes spike my values! |
I don't eat white or sweet potatoes,
most of the time. Even when I pick out potatoes out of soups and stews, my glucose really shows an effect. Imagine if I had chosen to eaten even a small amount of potatoes frequently? I had no symptoms, I felt totally normal.
My food template chooses me based on my genetics. The screen shot on the left shows 2 hours post picking potatoes out of a stew I bought while dining out one night.
My glucose values are silent. When I got my 23nMe genetics report (via Promethease data base) I knew I would have to manage my blood glucose the rest of my life. My genetic risks (many FTO double homozygous genes- both for obesity and type 2 diabetes).
It's the hand I was dealt, but diabetes is NOT the disease I have to have.
My diabetes risks won't get less as a I age. As much as a Paleo, Low Carb , Ketosis fan that I am, I still have to monitor and adjust my food choices if I don't want diabetes or obesity.
This means n=1 glucose testing until I know what will and won't give me higher glucose readings.
My doctor never told me to monitor. Fortunately, a lot of other people in my boat, who blog and post about it did. People who either were type 2 diabetes and are now in remission or people who get high glucose spikes like I do after eating certain foods.
And I'm super picky about MY normal glucose ranges. I know too many people in real life who stay with super high normals who seem to not have great outcomes. I didn't live through 40 years of yo-yo dieting and obesity for just so-so results. The folks I know in real life who are very cautious about keeping their glucose levels away from the cut-offs seem to be ill less often, have better weight management and fewer complications of type 2 diabetes.
My 2 hours post glucose does not lie. 102. Happily, my morning fasting glucose had gone back down. My glucose levels have stayed within my normal. I'm in and out of ketosis over the weeks, so my fasting glucose are going to be on the lower side of "normal".
And, sometimes I will choose to eat a soup or stew where I pick out the potatoes. Sometimes it's the only choice at a restaurant or the best choice. But rarely. Most of the time I can get a simple grilled protein with simply prepared vegetables. EZ. Meat and veggies and some natural fat.
I'm not a bad person. I don't need to potato or rice harder. I just have to swim around my biggest risks in my own personal genetics. Keeping my blood glucose in a monitored range is also key for long term weight maintenance.
I enjoy having low visceral fat! |
'm very thankful (-AKA what's working)
1.That I still periodically monitor my glucose at home
2. That others in type 2 diabetes remission share their own ranges for "normal"
3. That I know my genetic risks for type 2 diabetes.
4. That I maintain a glucose range that will make it very hard to develop the type 2 diabetes disease via LCHF, Paleo-ish food template that keeps my blood glucose in check.
5. That I maintain a my weight and am "tough" with food and NOT moderate.
There's a reason Dr. Berkeley recommends no "S" foods. No or super low starchy foods post obesity weight management.
Monitoring my blood glucose is a top 10 tool for me for weight maintenance and good overall health.
Moderating a food that keeps my glucose high is like smoking a short cigarette. It's not going to decrease my risks. Abstinence makes my health stronger. So much moderation advice. Who wants a moderate case of diabetes???? Bueller?? I hear crickets.... LOL
Here's to n=1 your food template, based on your genetics. It's awesome if you can eat potatoes. They are great.
Potatoes are just not great for me, most of the time. I'm very thankful that home glucose testing is affordable.
2 week glucose average- both fasting and 2 hour post meal |
Moderate Carrot Cake 2010, not a great glucose plan |
What didn't work in the past
1. I only monitored my glucose 1x per year, at my employer wellness event. I watched my glucose and HA1c get to pre-diabetes levels, with LOTS of visceral fat.
2. I totally believed that I could have okay health outcomes with the ADA glucose ranges. Nope. Being morbidly obese was not good for me.
3. I had no clue how much genetic risk I had. No type 2 diabetics in my family, but in my genetic make ups, yes! I could tell that the genotype was becoming a phenotype and expressing.
4. I ate 200-300 grams of carbs day, via WW frozen meals, Healthy Choice dinners and snacks like low point popcorn, low fat ice-cream. Hey, fat was the enemy, carbs were A-okay. Uhhhhh!
5. I could not maintain or manage my weight by being moderate. Moderate food template = nearly pre-diabetes. Which IS diabetes. I wanted to fool myself.
Is anyone else monitoring their blood glucose at home? Have you made changes on your food template to get better fasting and 2 hours post meal values?
Tortie #1 photo bombing my photoshoot |