
Saturday, November 30, 2013

2014 January Jeans Club (Affection for Fitness)

I almost forgot, I'm in the  2014 January Jeans Club from my bloggy friend- Marion at Affection for Fitness.

Why: - AKA What works:

1. I always do best in a structured situation like a challenge
2. I choose to eat on plan to keep emotional/binge eating away.
3. I really like the health benefits eating to maintain my weight brings.
4. I am over the moon happy not having to have many clothing sizes to have as "back up" after eating over the holidays. I'm planning to maintain, not gain over the holidays.

Black Friday-after caving in to not shopping!
What did not work in past holidays:
1. Not putting structure into place and eating way, way off any sort of plan
2. Letting my emotions and food run wild, based on what was set out at any certain party or dropped off on my desk or at my door step.
3. I had higher blood pressure, less energy, and more colds and flu when I was at my higher weight.
4. Lots of stacks of jeans in my closet of different sizes, like I was planning to gain over the holidays.

Okay, I confess, I may buy new jeans but the same size so that I don't look like I'm fighting the floods or something. Short girl problems in petite jeans that shrink.

PS- still rocking the Dansko clogs and getting my geek on, and I love it! LOL.


  1. There IS such freedom in keeping one's wardrobe to one, maybe two sizes, and having the confidence to not keep anything else! I totally concur! Great job!

    1. It really frees up mental space and closet space, too! I keep 1 size higher for " house painting or heavy gardening" jeans. That's it. Definitely motivation to keep working on maintenance.

  2. I used to have three sizes in my closet, and I was usually wearing the biggest size. The next size down was occasionally worn but usually not comfortable and the smallest size was just wishful thinking. Right now, everything in my closet fits except, like you, I have a couple of pairs of pants that are loose for walking and working around the house.

    1. Minimum 3 sizes in the yo-yo years, Caron. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for your posts. I have been having a tough time maintaining my weight loss (it's that darn menopause ;-) and your comments and observations are very helpful :-)

    1. Thank you Rose! I hear you on the menopause as my first year and half in weight maintenance, I entered into full menopause. It's tough, to say the least. Hang in there and glad you are stopping by the blog.

  4. Oh I remember those days! And usually I was in my biggest jeans with holes in them from where my thighs rubbed together. I've been in the same jeans for almost 5 years!! YaHOOOOO! And you're right... I CAN do this through the holidays. It's tough up here in Alaska for me with the cold and dark and less activity. Thankful for my elliptical. Helps my attitude most of all!

  5. And I'm simply AMAZED at you that lose weight during menopause. I was a basket case!! I went through the big M in my mid 40's and started my weight loss journey after at age 52!! Yeah... I'm older than dirt.

  6. Hi Karen, Thanks for the mention! I'm trying to keep it up with lots of new posts for January Jeans!

    Totally agree--I *love* that I'm in one size and that every single piece of clothes fits! How cool is that! It is certainly worth watching my weight for. :D

  7. loved her links to the lady who did all the jeans fit research.
    I copied those links to a post on my own blog to save.
    the pictures were amazing.
