
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

22 month weight maintenance update- Dec 2013

 Happy December! Already. 22 months of weight maintenance. Here are the details

Highest Weight: 187.4
Current weight 117.0
Goal Range: 113-117
Age: 47
Height: 5'1"
Years trying to get here: 40
Menopause: Yes, 4 months now.

Okay, I had guest photographers for my 22 month update and I don't have a full side photo, but these will do.

November 2013 was tricky. I had to navigate more challenges.

Gluten exposure (envelopes! who knew?), GI bug (mild), secondary infection (ugh!!!)

Winter Weight 2013

What worked this month:

1. Daily weighing: Yep! higher weights and all. It's data.
2. Using sponge to close envelopes.
3. Dialing back my walking to 7.500 steps.
4. Going to the nurse practitioner immediately when I knew I needed antibiotics.
5. Staying on track on vacation/holiday.

 The nurse practitioner told me I had the blood pressure of a 16 year old. (98/62). Awesome! Told her it was my good, low-inflammatory diet. She agreed. Nice to see more people in the medical field that "get it". A win, even though I was feeling a bit funky. Made my day.

Before I knew I was sick, I automatically had dialed back my walking. It didn't seem right to walk more than that. I went with my gut. Great to use my natural radar. Also a win for the month.

What Didn't work in the past:
1. Not weighing in
2. Not connecting the gluten exposure factors.
3. Using sick time to "feed" myself high carb snacks for comfort.
4. Waiting to go to the doctor to see if I could "get better on my own".
5. Using a vacation/holiday to eat whatever I wanted, mostly junk/comfort food.

May 2011 to Dec 2013, 22 months in maintenance
 I took some cool bird photos that told my story. All from Crystal Cove, Orange County, CA.  Awesomeness!  A huge amount of my  motivation comes from knowing I can head out with my camera and move the way I want to move.
No sticking my head in the sand! Guess what sticks out...?

Taking care of myself, resting when needed.

I'm out of here! Back to regular life...



  1. Goodness me, you're tiny!! Well done on 22 months maintaining... not long until the 2 year mark. That's a low BP you have to. Mine is approx 115/75 - I'm happy with that.

  2. Wonderful.... simply WONDERFUL!!

  3. Lynda and KC, Thank you soooo much. :) I'm curious to see what my weight does after I'm off the anti-biotics and my gut bacteria gets back to normal. Feeling good and not wanting to emotional or binge eat. :)

  4. What an inspiration you are!! Love your BP - good job. Mine was always 90/60 for my whole life until menopause. Now it's 110/70, but I wouldn't go back to pre-meno for all the tea in China!

    1. Donnamcd,Yes!!! Mine was higher when I was overweight, on BC pills. Now - always low. I HAVE to have some sea salt so that I don't feel woozy. Especially in the summer. Glad your bp is staying steady. :)

  5. Rock star!!! In SO many ways! Such a great beacon/mentor you are!

    1. Thanks! Less rock star and more process improvement- but sometimes- Rock star! Just customizing the crap out of what works. Frustrating at times but the payback of my health and weight maintenance, and lack of pain is soooo worth it. Keep up the good work yourself. Gwen!

  6. Awesome job! Great pictures and great results. I'm so happy for you.

  7. Hi Karen! Very cute photo! Yes, those legs are sliiiimmm!

    On the Saturday after Black Friday, I woke up with awful feeling knees. I didn't do all of my yoga/exercise on Saturday morning thinking the knee issues were from all of the shopping. But now I think it was from unusual eating. I think that because...the knee stiffness promptly went away with normal low-carb food and Sunday weightlifting. <--So interesting, huh??? What we eat *really really really* matters!

    1. Marion, it's shocking how much gluten makes my joints ache. Headaches go away. No hot flashes- this is so noticeable for me at night. I live a whole different life by sticking close to my customized food template. Glad your eyes are wide open.

  8. The new photo is great. I wish I were not so camera phobic. Sigh.

    I really love your "what worked and what didn't work posts. :)

  9. Lisa, Caren, Caron, thank you!!!! Caron it took a long, long time to decide to post photos of myself. Once I did, I feel okay about it. :)

  10. Great new photo - the colour suits you.

    Love the captions you've included in your bird photo's - works well.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan! I knew you'd like the photo series. I have such a blast taking the photos. :) I got the new shirt at a shop in the US called Coldwater creek, on sale. Love the ocean colors

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, Vickie! Hope you are speedy in your recovery.

  12. Great job maintaining!

    I had forgotten that envelopes can contain gluten! I ate some gluten at a dinner at our friends' house (it was somewhat hidden, but I didn't check carefully enough), and it really affected me. It was a good reminder to be more careful.
