
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 checking in for the Keep It Up David T-Day Pledge

 Okay, David at "Keep It Up David" had a Thanksgiving Day Pledge.  I'm happy to report in that I kept my pledge.

1. Not going back for seconds.  Easy since we ate out.
2. Photographing all the food for the meal. (See below)
3. No grazing. There was a lot of food sitting out earlier in the day after our walk, and I ate only on template foods (broccoli slaw sauteed in coconut oil, asparagus and some roasted chicken)
4. Exercise- (see above, 1 beach walk, 1 coastal trail, and I'll be walking around the block once I hit publish to get 10,000 steps).

Thanks for the challenge, David!

coffee and water at dinner
Fantastic NY strip steak-ate 2/3rds  and veggies

More coffee and 85% Chocolate, Yum!


  1. Congrats, Karen! I did really well too, and will post about it F morning. :)

  2. Awesome job Karen! Congratulations:)

  3. Well done Karen that steak and veg look amazing.

    All the best Jan

  4. You did great. Your last pic reminds me of the blessing of being "unsugared." Years ago I never would have believed I could enjoy black coffee and very dark chocolate... but I do! Simple pleasures.

    1. Lyn, so true. Black coffee ( as long as the roast is good) and very dark chocolate hits me now has being very rich and satisfying from a flavor perspective. I used to use an Equal in each cup and I would overeat on regular chocolate. With every food challenge- Like whole30 and a low carb challenge- I could always bring back in chocolate- only if over 85%. Nobody else in my family likes it, and I eat it only once a day- half a serving- so it lasts a looooong time. :) Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Gwen, Leigh, Jan and Lyn- thank you for your comments!

  6. eating out is a really good idea for all the reasons you mentioned.
