
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dr. Berkeley will be live tweeting and posting FB topics at the Obesity week conference

Dr. Barbara Berkeley, MD will be live tweeting ( @BBerkeleyMD  ) and posting FB comments on her page (  Refuse to Regain on Facebook  )  at the Obesity Week Conference. 2013 in Atlanta, GA. Nov 11-16, 2013.

I highly recommend Dr. Berkeley's  book, her blog, and the information she provides for tools that you can use as you build your own individual weight maintenance plan and practice.

Long term weight maintenance takes a lot of skill sets, mind sets, real food, and trial and error.

I urge you to read up, pick strategies that work for you and keep working every day to keep the health, body and mind benefits that long term weight maintenance brings.

I will be re-tweeting some of the topics on my twitter feed- @gardengirl_kp and on my facebook page for discussion  gardengirlweightmaintainer

I'll tweet you and join me for discussions later in the week. I'm on US West Coast, PST time.

Riding the weight maintenance waves! We are stronger together!


  1. Karen good words "strategies that work for you and keep working every day to keep the health, body and mind benefits"

    We owe it to ourselves.

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan, so true. "We owe it to ourselves". I figure if I can't show up for myself, I won't be there for others, too. Thanks for stopping by...

  2. Hi Karen, I think arming ourselves with information is the way forward. Knowing what and why food affects us is so important. For me, being wheat/grain free and sugar free is the only way I could ever do this. In fact I can almost say it's easy!! Over one year in full maintenance now and still the same weight... I'm totally optimistic that I can do this forever!! Never said that about keeping weight off before :)

    1. Lynda, I would put it in the "easy" category. (side note: getting over emotional eating wasn't easy) but eating quality meats, veggies, a few fruits and good fats- that part is easy, tasty, filling, and leads to almost no illness for me.

      Sometimes I feel a little guilty that I can eat so much filling, tasty food and I see people eating tiny portions of diet frozen dinners. Good news: people are starting to take note and buy books like, "It starts with food" "Wheat Belly" and are at least open to trying grain free.

      Glad to help others who are willing to try a grain free lifestyle. Hoping there will be a lot more. Otherwise, we all suffer in terms of increased healthcare costs.

      I'm with you, I could do this forever, and I have never thought I could/would do it. Life changing. :) Thanks for stopping by the blog. Glad we are growing the weight maintaining/grain free tribe- world wide!
