
Thursday, July 4, 2013

17 month weight maintenance check-in post vacation

17 months in weight maintenance. Post vacation. Yes, still getting on the scale. Nice thing about setting in a food template: I can be pretty sure I'll be in my maintenance range 113-117 most days.  This photo is post float trip in Skagway, Alaska. Fun! Like the gum boots?

I saved for years to go on this trip. It was a great reward for taking care of myself and being able to cross Alaska off the bucket list. Hawaii, Greece, and Italy are also on the list. If I had not lost the weight, this trip would have been more difficult. And, more money would be going into my health care and not into traveling. 

Here we go: 1 month, 2 month, 3 months.  I'm maintaining at a lower level post the low-carb challenge. And my weight took a dip lower during the time my family member died. Could have been the guest scale? Could have been walking in Phoenix in the summer heat? (or trying to beat the heat, anyway).

It's a lot of work to eat within the food template while on vacation, but so worth it.  I feel great on vacation, no huge sugar rushes. If you eat pastries and doughnuts- well, the insulin rise and effects on your body are already done. No amount of hiking, walking running around, scale ditching , head in the sand,will reverse the those particular diet choices.  That's the past. There's only now and the future left. Inflammation, diabetes and heart disease do not take a vacation. 

Keep making choices that are in line with your goals. Your body always keeps track. It's been so worth it these last 17 months.

Onward!  I miss my morning windy cruise ship walks from last week. :)  More Alaska photos and scoop about eating and the cruise, soon.


  1. You are doing great! We lived in Juneau for about a year and Anchorage for three years. It was fun when I was in my 20's. I would not like living there full time now. I would love for my girls to see Alaska but that probably will not happen unless we win the lottery. Not likely as I can never remember to play. Ha ha

  2. I'll bet it was fun living there, Caron. It was a real stretch for me to take this trip. I decided I would do a few big trips with my daughter now and again. One never knows what the future will be. She's old enough to remember and in 5-6 years, she'll be off on her own adventures.

    The window is only open so long- both for travel and for health. Onward!

  3. We're headed on vacation in a month...I am determined to eat ON PLAN. I am planning one treat, probably a dessert, to enjoy while we're there.

  4. What a wonderful trip, and yay you for living a life of maintenance!

  5. Of all the success stories in blogland, Karen, yours is my favorite. Glad you had this excellent vacation experience, too!

  6. You give me so much hope! Yes, it is hard work but so worth it as you mention. No cupcake or pizza can replace feeling great!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful vacation. :)

  7. Isn't it just amazing to have control of weight? Like you I live to a certain food framework and know that I am always going to be OK. Not many people lose weight and maintain and it is wonderful encouragement to others to see this happening.

  8. Wow! That looks like an awesome place to visit. You are SO right about the right foods being "worth it"...since starting Paleo, I have not felt my back from lifting/helping my mum around as much as I would if I hadn't eliminated certain foods. I lie in bed (pain free) every night and feel rather smug ;)
