
Monday, June 17, 2013

Low inflammatory meals for the whole family- keeping the food template in check

 Two weeks ago, I had the chance to take over my Mom's kitchen and cook some meals for the whole family.  I normally eat from a pretty basic low-inflammatory, Paleo style template that does not trigger me to overeat.

They loved it. First photo: Ground bison sliders, blueberries, cherries, sauteed kale, guacamole deviled eggs, and in the center- heirloom tomato slices.

Filling and delicious. Disclaimer: not pictured were some biscuits the rest of the family had with the burgers. I'm cool with that.

Nobody else in my family is gluten free, but it's essential that I not have a gluten exposure. They are cool with that. I love that my family accepts me and my need to hit Costco and Trader Joe's early in the trip. I eat 3-4 vegetable servings per MEAL normally.

Not pictured: Eggs scrambled in coconut oil,  asparagus sauteed in left over ground bison grease and garlic salt seasoning, cherry tomatoes, an Italian meal with ground bison, Italian seasoning, marinara, over spaghetti squash, and some big salads with protein. I cooked a crock pot chicken breast salsa meal, unfortunately the store bought salsa set off some GI symptoms. :0 . I also had some small portions of 85% chocolate squares.

We also ate out at places like Chipolte, a nice steak house with family, and I packed a small picnic after hiking in the botanic gardens. Finally I brought this big asset salad to the airport to fly home.   Yummy and cheaper and better for my body than eating out all the time.

Works for me:
1. Buying some of my regular food
2. Communicating early what I can and can't do in the kitchen.
3. Cooking ahead so that food is ready when needed.
4. Opting to go to the restaurant and either bring my own or have a cup of coffee if I cannot eat. (good example is Cracker Barrel- some sort of gluten or dairy in almost everything- I skip that place and plan my meal before or after.).

Did not work in the past.
1. Using another location as an excuse to eat low nutrient food and worse, binge type food.
2. Not communicating so that I can work with the group I'm with for food preferences.
3. Just eating what ever, when ever
4. Going along with the crowd and not having real input.

That's the scoop. I've found by taking charge of my eating and communicating what I need to be extremely effective when traveling and visiting the fam. It's a good example of putting myself and my health first.


  1. That is awesome that your family is so supportive - I think that makes such a difference. I've known a lot of people whose family doesn't even make an effort to help them stay on their eating plan when they are visiting.

    I too used to use vacations and out of town trips as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. I'm glad I don't do that anymore!

    1. Diane, good point. It ends up being a boundary issue in some places with some people. Their identity is so wrapped up in me eating and liking what they made. Sometimes a cultural thing.

      They keep pushing, and I finally blame the doctor and give them warning that the gas that will result will make their pets hide in the garage. Really, I'm in a fair amount of pain if I eat gluten. Triggering myself on sweets is 100% off the table. It becomes cut and dry most of the time.

  2. Hi Karen, I've noticed that since switching to Paleo that my consumption of vegetables is much greater than before when I already thought I was eating healthy.

    1. Eating and enjoying the veggies and lots of them is an awesome effect of Paleo that those still eating the SAD don't always understand. Glad you found this Marc. Same thing happened to me. It will take you far.

  3. Hi Karen, What I appreciate so much about your posts is your learnings - what works now and what didn't before. I am finding this along the way also. My son who is diabetic is supportive but the rest of my family not so much but that is fine. I'm glad that yours supports your healthy lifestyle! That makes the world of difference.

    1. It does help, and I spend more time with people who are supportive. I don't expect them to eat my way, but I do expect them to support me with the new normal. Glad you and your son can work together, Linda.

  4. Hi Karen! Thanks for this post. I've always had the hardest time with weight during summers, so I greatly appreciate the details of what you are saying. I'm coming to the realization that many times this summer will be situations in which I should not eat what is being served. I don't eat most picnic food anymore, and when I do, it just causes me craving problems. So I should probably make sure that I have something to drink, like iced tea, that I like. And then eat my normal foods around these picnics.

    :-) Marion

    1. Hi Marion- yeah, summers- traveling. I bring a large gladware container with my salad/protein made- green stuff from the grocery, protein from a meal from the night before. My own oil and vinegar. By the time we hit the event or air port, that salad is yummy. Good luck.

  5. The food sounds great. Kudos for making out of the norm situations work for you.

  6. I bought some expensive fresh salsa at Kroger on one of my first grocery trips in Mississippi only to find that they had put sugar in it. That taught me a valuable lesson. My question was WHY would you put sugar in fresh salsa? I took one taste and threw it out. Honestly, it was just awful! Ugh. :)

    1. Caron, exactly! Why?? I have to watch certain salsas- the preservatives and weird ingredients can mess me up. Trader Joes has pretty clean fresh and jarred salsa.

      Loosing, thanks for stopping by.

  7. Where did you get the guacamole deviled egg recipe? I'd love to try that.

  8. Great to hear your family are supportive, I think it is important that family (and friends) should be.
    Yes, communication does always help and I normally find most are up for it and are open to requests if needed.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Gwen and Jan. Susan, I got the recipe from Mark's Daily Apple- Fat Guacamole Devils. Very popular and very filling.

  9. Hi Karen. This was a great post. I love your closure lists. Many times people feel uncomfortable going out to eat with others and not eating. During my weight loss journey many times I had to do that and some times I still do. Ordering a coffee or tea and enjoying it and the company is a great way to stay social and not eat those things that wont work for you. Alas this doesn't work everyone the eater or the friends. You have to give a heads up to friends I found OR eat with those who won't feel uncomfortable if you are not eating. It is possible and I know since I have done it too!! thanks for this post. I have shared with my readers.

    1. Thanks, Tracy. I make every opportunity to try to find something on the menu, but I'm very very quick to go to coffee and eat before or after if I'm the slightest bit suspicious that there might be gluten hiding in the meal. Tricky stuff. Not as tricky if the hostess asks me "is there gluten in pasta?" Not even to mention trigger food.

      I've gotten pretty used to it. Owning this piece of the transformation has been soooo worth it. :) Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love how you make your dietary needs a priority. So many times families just don't understand how important it is to stay on plan. I try to remember that I am WORTH the special preparation and planning, although sometimes I slip into the "I don't want to make a big deal about it" mindset.

  11. Unfortunately my extended family still doesn't "get me" when it comes to my food a result I usually avoid them altogether because it is so stressful to have the same couple of people trying to push bread, dessert, alcohol on me that I just don't enjoy the occasion...Great post as always.

  12. Second blog I read today about coconut oil - saw it all over TJ's yesterday, WILL BUY next week. :-D Also will try guac eggs. :-D I enjoyed reading this! I eat similarly to this. :-) I had so much fun shopping at TJ's yesterday, found a TON of things that would work for me.
