
Friday, February 8, 2013

Remember- your body keeps track 24/7

If I could bottle warm beach weather and send it from So. Cal- I would!

Remember. Your body keeps track 24/7. The blizzard will be done and over in 1-2 weeks. Maybe 3 at the most ( I remember the blizzard of '78- one whole week off 6th grade, igloos in the snow drifts).

In 8-12 weeks you'll be thinking of summer, shorts, and other things. Make sure that you don't use the blizzard or anything to drive comfort eating. Right this moment- your blood sugar, blood pressure, insulin and glucose will react to the comfort food you choose. Make good choices for your body & mind.

Play in the snow, play a game, make coffee or tea, or sleep.  Eating will not make the snow better and summer will come.

Safe travels friends. You will make it through this. The choices you make will effect how you feel now and in a few weeks.


  1. you have a generous spirit, Karen! a lot of people, could they bottle the climate, would be more inclined to SELL it. ;-)

    1. Oooh, that's so true, Tess. Can you imagine? Ugh....

  2. Good reminders, Karen. I am emailing you my address just in case you do find a way to bottle beach weather... ;)

    I have food prepped in case the power goes out, and, fortunately, my head cold is keeping my appetite mostly at bay. Workout for Saturday: shoveling the driveway! :)

    1. Hope your cold is better, Norma. That's the good thing about the advance notice of the storm- prepping the food.

  3. Wow, I'll take a bottle of that!

  4. I'm more worried about how I'm gonna run in the morning. The main roads should be plowed right? I guess I'm running on the road! Thanks for the excellent reminders!

    1. Leigh- it's okay to take a day off. You'll still make your race and well. Stay safe.

  5. Great post - thank you! I needed the reminder, since I'm feeling really sorry for myself after the whole day of pounding snow and wind. And the power keeps going off and on. I live in Mystic, CT and would dearly love some of your weather at the moment!

    1. Hope that the power stayed on, Donna! I remember feeling ready for spring (grew up in Central Indiana). Days and days of snow, ice and cold rain. I was so over it by mid-Feb. Good luck on the thaw.
