
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week 31- off the plateau and jogging?!

Week 31- Finally off the plateau

Lost this week 1.6

Total lost 58.8

Ave lost per week 1.9

A Jr. family member asked me "Can you run a mile in 12 minutes or under?" My answer was yes. But I put my jogging shoes where my mouth was and the real answer is "No".  My time was 12:36. Not too bad, but not within 12 minutes either.

I'm making 2 days of strength training (light) a goal for Dec each week. I might add making a 12 minute jogging mile a goal, if my body is willing.

I'm so glad that my Health Coach at Take Shape for Life suggested the middle of the range BMI for me. It will feel good to be in the middle and at the next plateau that I have. I really would like to find that plateau and maintain there for a long time. Body and Mind willing.

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