
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 30 weigh in. Post Thanksgiving update

Okay, Week 30 weigh in was okay. I only lost 0.6 this week. That makes a total of 57.2 pounds lost. Not bad considering I ate out 3 of the last 4 days while on Thanksgiving break. I did stay completely on plan. It wasn't too hard to do. Having a microwave at the hotel and using my parent's stove to make my Medifast Pancake was great.

I read Robb Wolf's book- the Paleo Solution. Very interesting as I'm exploring a modified Plaeo diet after transition from Medifast. The recipes look great. Looking forward to the variety that transition and maintenance will bring.

I was more active this week- mainly with walking and I added in 10 extra almonds as an optional snack. Looking forward to getting back to my regular routine. Probably about 9 pounds left until transition. I'll. need to make sure I'm past the plateau that I just powered past. 

Low tides again today! If you're reading this and in Southern California, take advantage of the low tides this afternoon. Fantastic and a nice way to spend the afternoon.

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