
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weigh in 10/16/2011- looking ahead to the next steps

Okay. Lost 2.2 pounds this week. So a grand total of 48 pounds.  Whoooot.  I'm pretty happy right now. About 18 pounds left to lose.

I grabbed the calendar and plotted out what the rest of the year is going to look like for me. I should reach my 2nd major goal (getting to a healthy BMI <25) around Thanksgiving.

I may get to my final goal weight just before Christmas. I say "may" because I'm not sure how fast or slow I'll loose weight once I get down close to goal.

The next steps are  to continue on to my goals, continue my work in the book and workbooks for Dr. A's habit's of health, and maintain my healthy habits. I've really enjoyed reading weight maintenance blogs. It helps me think and plan for the next phase. I'll make a separate post with links to the blogs soon.

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