
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Interesting Clinical Trial for Fitbit and Apple Watch users- March 2020

Hello All,

PS- if you are here for weight maintenance: Graphs at the end of the post!

Here's a great Clinical Trial via Scripps Research! I've signed up and given access to my resting heart rate. Theoretically, my resting heart rate will increase if I've been exposed, but long before I get a fever. (Covid-19)

And in the past, this has been 100% true for my cold viruses and my shingles outbreaks.

So please help the researchers gather data and predict community outbreaks before they happen.
Enroll in the study if you have a FitBit or Apple watch.
I've promised my boss I would stay home (I'm a  lab professional) and not be a risk to our team if I saw a big jump in resting heart rate.

Here's my March data from the MyDataHelps app  This is my baseline:

MyDataHelps App March 2020
Here's what my non-infected resting heart rate looked like from my Fitbit:
March 2020

2 month weight graph: PS, my resting heart rate went way down when I lost weight and kept it off. My resting heart rate went even lower when I removed grains, sugar and dairy from my food template. My heart doesn't lie. I listen to it. NSNG, LCHF, and Paleo for the WIN!

Keeping it within my current normal range:

Long term weight maintenance,March 2020

Right before they closed the beach:

Ponto Beach, Carlsbad- before beach closures March 2020
Stay safe my friends. Physical Distance > Social Distance. Zoom meetings and Calls, Skype and finding local walks that are not populated.

Are you monitoring body temp, resting heart rate, blood pressure?  I am and it's cool data. Stay safe my friends.


  1. I'm curious if you've had the shingles vaccine. My doctor has recommended but I have not done it yet. This is an interesting clinical trial. Keep us posted. :)

    1. I was not offered it because it was not on my insurance for my age!!! Darn it. Now , the age has dropped to 50 ish and with the Shingrix vaccine, I can get it, maybe. I have to call insurance. I probably won't get the vaccine for Shingles until the summer. I'll let you know if my heart rate indicator works. LOL. Take care and thinking of you !!!

  2. My middle joined Fitbit study too. Thanks for posting.

    1. Good to hear, the more people who join, the more community data can be gathered. It may be key in areas that have not been hit yet, to stop the spread. Tell middle I say thank you!!! :) Helps our lab team also. pretty sure I'm not infecting them and can call out if asymptomatic except for higher heart rate.
