
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Facebook Live Interview- Everyday Success ,we chat long term LCHF weight maintenance Oct 2017


Air Date was 10/7/2017
I chat all things

  • weight maintenance
  • my experience being obese as a child
  • why I won't be consuming gluten pastries on my next trip
  • Refuse to Regain, Robb Wolf, Sarah Fragoso, and Jason Seib (early influencers)
  • getting to the root cause of your obesity
  • gene testing and how I used the results
  • not to worry if you have the obesity and Type 2 Diabetes & genetics, LCHF is delish!
  • glucose fasting levels if I choose to go off my plan
  • the Feldman Protocol for health insurance discounts
AND MORE!   Facebook, Every Day Success, Together Inspiring Others (if the link is not working )


  1. I watched most of it! I love how knowledgeable you are, Karen. I trust what you have to say because you have done the research, and you can tell how much you know in this filed! It's very obvious you have a scientific background. So many people today are touting programs and ways of eating, but they don't have the data you do. I am highly skeptical of a lot of people, but you're the real deal. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Ali! I suspect that better algorithms will help those who need either low carb (to lower T2D risk) or those with FTO genetics to get over to abstaining groups. Certainly all that fake margarine, canola oil, and free fruit combined with cereal low points bars had the opposite effect on a large population in point counting groups.

      I know the US guidelines will have to change, so I know it's like turning the Titanic. Everything in the US is set up for that and it's not going to end well for those who need no grains and very little sugars.

      Thanks for stopping by the blog. I think the tide is turning. It's hard to wait and watch. Most of my support groups have their raw DNA files and are using them to optimize their nutrition and minimize time at the doctor. I do think root cause ID with behavior change could help. Just having the data is one thing, acting on it is something else.

