
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Refuse to Regain videos for the holidays from Dr. Berkeley, MD, 5th year of no holiday baking

Hello All,
Carlsbad Cliffs coastal beach walk

I'm a huge fan of Dr. Berkelely, MD, the author of Refuse to Regain. This holiday season, Dr. Berkeley is sharing videos about weight related topics.

I hope that if you are visiting my page, that you will go over to Dr. Berkeley's Facebook page and view her videos and think about the topics she is presenting.

I am so thankful to be on Weight Maintenance Island by using both Dr. Berkeley's book, the support group over at Half Size Me Community, and the principles of LCHF, Paleo, modified Wahls Paleo Plus and modified Auto-Immune Protocol and NSNG.

A food template that is optimized to keep myself from my 40 years of prior obesity, support, continued learning. All key steps.

I hope you'll visit Dr. Berkeley's Facebook page and make any needed changes to your holiday habits that will result in outcomes for both you and your families.

I gave up holiday cookie baking for time with my family and friends during beach walks, kayaking, coffee shop visits, stops at fun places like Hotel Del Coronado, local lagoons and coastal walks, and service projects.

It's been 5 years since I gave up holiday baking. I don't miss the effects on my mind or body from the excess sugar. The physical pain of being 70 pounds overweight. The mental pain of weight gain. The financial pain of buying larger sizes of clothes due to the weight gain.

My friends and family are certainly not suffering from any cookie or sugar deficiencies. Why would I want to contribute to that environment for myself, but also for them?  There are many non-food ways to connect.

Here's to keeping your food and health habits during a time of excess. Jan 1, 2016 will arrive before we know it. I know I'll be staying on my food and health template during this holiday season. I hope more will join me this year.


  1. Glad you found a way that works for you. Here's to many more yummy and whole meals of goodness.

  2. I used to feel I was missing out on Christmas tradition because a big part of Christmas was mom and all her baking ... we all enjoyed her treats. It didn't feel like Christmas when I first moved here. Firstly, Christmas in Australia falls in summer ... we wear shorts, have cookouts, and there's no snow. It's too hot to bake! But now I am grateful for that. I still have lovely memories of Christmas past, but now I can create healthy new traditions.

    1. Anna, I had an Austrailian neighbor and he described his Christmases growing up just like you describe yours. Shorts, cook outs, seafood, grilling, beach. LOL. We live in So. Cal, so some years we do that, too.

      New traditions at the holidays are key for long term weight maintenance. Kudos for your efforts.

  3. Like you, I will be keeping on my food template as well. I feel no need to indulge this year. I remember reading a post or comment of yours several years ago in which you stated you were done with holiday food, and at the time, I wasn't sure I could go there. But now I understand your thoughts. This year if my mom tries to get me to eat a pancake or waffle because they specially made them in Christmas I will refer to a skin condition I have and politely tell her the flour aggravates my condition. Plus, I most likely will be having a medical procedure around Christmas so I probably won't be too hungry or want to indulge.

    1. Ali, I find that getting accidentally glutened takes me about 2-3 weeks to get my GI system back again. Gut bacteria, lower inflammation, the joint pain is gone in 2-3 days, but I do think that the lingering inflammatory part stays around. My facial swelling, I can tell. Weird,

      Glad you are keeping your systems all go before any surgical procedures. I would think that keeping your immune system in tip top condition before the procedure will yield the best outcome during recovery.

      My family knows not to offer now. It's a good thing, Oh, my adult onset acne was so painful. Yikes. Onward. and kudos for taking care of yourself.
