
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The best thing about my favorite speakers in the Paleosphere - Try it and see if it works for you (it's okay if it doesn't)

My favorite Paleo Speakers are all lined up! PaleoFx 2015
I'm looking forward to meeting speakers and writers at PaleoFx 2015.   I've noticed common threads practices for my favorite go to leaders.

Try it,  and change or move along to something else if doing this doesn't work.

Here's what I've noticed:
0. All of my favorite Paleo People are feeling better eating this way.
0.5  They share their stories.
1. Try it for 30 days (or more) and if it doesn't work, that's okay, move along.
2. The resources are almost all either free online, free down loadable materials,
3, Or a book you can check out at the local library or buy for very, very low cost.
4. There is usually a podcast you can download about the topic you are interested.
5. If a leader's thinking & learning  and current thought processes changes, they will change themselves and their recommendations.

Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, Sarah Fragoso, Jason Seib, Michelle Tam,Terry Wahls, MD, and more.

Their message is clear to me. Think for yourself. Experiment on yourself. Try it yourself.

All of them have tried it, adjust it to themselves,  their lives, their epi-genetics, their age, their culture, their family, their tastes, and to some - their  auto-immune disease.

If it doesn't work, walk away and try something else. Or modify. They don't say there's only 1 way. Or it's their way or the highway. I highly respect that. There isn't one way, but I'll bet there's 2-3 ways that will work better for an individual. Based on many inputs to the self equation. I respect those who find the way that works and share their stories with others.

Hey! PaleoFX is live streaming on two stages. For Free!

What's working for me 

0.  I feel so, so much better eating grain free, mostly sugar free, dairy free, legume free, and nut free.
0.5 I enjoy sharing my story.
1. I tried it and never stopped self experimenting.
 2  I read new research, books, & approaches, and thought processes with a continuing education mindset.
3. The best takeaways are inexpensive or free. Google and my library card and Amazon Prime rock.
4. Podcasts, I'm a a fan.
5. If I have to change things up, I do. And managing that change is essential. Since Feb 2012 I've removed dairy, nuts, dried fruits, most forms of soy and rice.

What didn't work for me in the past:
0. Moderately eating grains, sugars, dairy, legumes, and nuts.
0.5 I did not feel comfortable being myself. Or being boss about what I put in my body.
1. I thought that because WW was the #1 ranked plan, that I was a failure if it didn't work for me.
2. I couldn't get off the sugars and grains long enough (AKA withdrawls) to see if it worked or not.
3. I paid for a lot of weight loss and weight maintenance items without owning the mindset first.
4. Life before Podcasts was "less fun" ;)
5. I didn't manage my life changes as well. Moderating the foods that triggered my binge eating kept me stuck for a long time.

Okay, who are your favorite thought leaders and why? Paleo or non-Paleo. Paleo is just a tool I use for long term health. It's one tool. Not totally one stop shopping, but close! What helped you the most when you were making your permanent changes to weight management?


  1. I would say my favorite thought leaders is Dr. Berkeley. I have her book and revisit it frequently. And I read her blog all the time and even go back in the archives for more information. I might happen upon studies here and there online, but other than that, I read several bloggers who have been successful with weight maintenance and who follow a "tough, not moderate" approach like you. You have seen me comment on those blogs, and those people know who they are. I think I really respect these people and value their advice (and yours, as well--I am including you in this group) because they actually are able to maintain their weight. They are not constantly in weight loss mode or gaining and losing the same 5-15 pounds, which I see in weight loss and weight maintenance world with people who try to stay at a certain weight. They are very strict with their food, and they are realistic about exercise. That is what I think works long term. And they re-evaluate and change what does not work before they have to go on another diet or go into restriction mode to lose that ten pounds again.

    1. Ali, YES!!! That's how I heard about Paleo/Primal. Dr. Berkeley. Thank goodness she was tweeting with Robb Wolf at the time. I knew I had to be diary free, so that = Paleo.

      Thank you for including me in the the tough not moderate group. If I didn't have the Vickie's, The Jane's, etc, I would be back on that Yo-Yo. 40 years of yo-yoing is just too long and too heart breaking. I had to know others had done what I had done and were successful.

      I'll be blogging about this but even Robb Wolf called the advice to moderate all foods BS. I was cheering loudly from my seat!!! :)

  2. In a nutshell, I would say Mark Sisson and Tom Naughton are important to me. They helped me with my first steps into the low carb/high fat primal way of eating. What helped me educate myself, to listen to my body and to speak up.

    1. Running Stitches, yes! Education, then listening to your body's feedback. So, so key. My food template from 2012 is drastically different from 2015 due to the feedback. Love the speak up part, too. :)

  3. For 'Paleo' movement nutrition check out - she has books and podcasts and is amazingly bright and funny

    1. Vail, thanks for Katy's blog link. I heard Katy's name mentioned several times at the conference.

  4. Enjoy the PaleoFx!! As you know I go to as many things as I can locally - I love meeting up with the rockstars of my dietary life. You will be totally inspired all over again :)

  5. I'm sure PaleoFx will be awesome ... enjoy it.

    All the best Jan

  6. I agree, I'm all about figuring out what works for me rather than following any prescribed plan. We're all different.

    1. Anna, Jan, Lynda, thank you!!! It was a blast. Just trying to get caught up with regular life to get 2-3 blog entries out there. I meant so, so many people. :) Fun.
