
Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy July 4th 2014 - here's to being Independent of processed food!

Happy July 4th, 2014

Here's to What's working

1. Being Independent of processed foods that signaled "eat more"
2. Being Independent of food moderation plans that had me "eating a little of everything" Now I'm tough, not moderate.
3. Being Independent of anyone else deciding for me what I should do, photograph, travel or use my time, talents and money. I tell others what my expectations are.

Here's what didn't work:
1. Eating a LOT of processed foods because it was "easier" to count WW points or calories.
2. Eating a little bit of everything at summer cook outs. It was a mind trap to eat A LOT of everything and binge eat. I "used' moderation to go off the deep end.
3. Making fear based decisions on plans, travel, money- and yes, even what to photograph. Fear based decisions are not so great, most of the time. 

Safe travels to all my  US friends.  I will return later next week to post about my 2 year, 4 month weight maintenance update,  stuff I did and saw at the county fair, and more.

I double dog dare everyone to stay on their food template of choice this holiday.


  1. I'm staying on my plan. I'm a lot happier that way:-). Happy 4th!!!

    1. YESSSS! Happiness and a plan. That is freedom- IMO. Hope you had a great July 4th!

  2. I moved to a different part of the city and my local market doesn't sell the Lean Cuisine meals I had been using for dinner for a few year. I thought by using these I had portion control. BUT I slowly gained a bit of weight anyway. I learned to go back to real chicken and vegetables out of necessity but I'm better for it :)

    1. Katie- funny what a change in routine can bring. Good for you for getting back to the real food. Once I was away from the Smart Ones, Lean Cuisine, and Healthy Choice- my taste buds opened up to non processed foods. It's a whole new world. Keep up the good work on the real foods.

  3. "1. Eating a LOT of processed foods because it was "easier" to count WW points or calories."

    Very true statement. Most of the sites/systems are geared toward processed foods. I tried to use a few online counting systems a while back, just to get a few days numbers out of curiosity, and found I could not easily find whole foods set up in their system. I could find the food IN proceeded combinations, but not the plain/single ingredient. It was actually very humorous to see all the "stuff" listed, but not the simple vegetable.

    1. Vickie- I know exactly what you mean. I was looking up chopped mint as a spice and mint flavored EVERYTHING else in fake flavors showed up instead. Funny, yet sad to know so many people are eating fake foods and expecting fabulous health outcomes.... I used to be one of them. :)

    2. :-) enter "ground beef" or "beef roast" in FitDay, and the first thing that pops up is some Lipton mix.... do food processing companies give them money to slant the search-algorhythms???

  4. happy Fourth to you, too, Karen! you're an inspirational voice for fat-loss and maintenance!

    1. Thank you Tess! Glad we are blogging the real life stuff. Happy July 4th weekend.

  5. I have found there are certain sites where everything they eat comes in a box/container it really makes me shake my head! I couldn't figure why i was using so many re-usable containers and then it dawned on me that it was because non of my foods come in containers at all :) You are an inspiration!

    1. Suzanne- that is so, so true! I know that I'm doing well when I have tons of dishes in the dish washer and lunch containers in the sink. It means I'm cooking from scratch and taking my food to work.

      Big food has been especially good at getting into "brand" bloggers sites and having the recipes, the reviews, the give aways. I stopped following all those sites real quick. Looking at photos of processed foods does not aid in my recovery. Amazing... :)

  6. What worked for you worked for me, too! :)

    I think the everything in moderation motto gets lots of people in trouble... And it's so widespread...
