
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2 year, 4 month weight maintenance update- graphs and more!

May 2011 and June 2014
Each month, I post my current status. If you are here from the Paleo-sphere and dislike talk of weight, graphs, etc. Move a long and skip this post.  I'll have a great post soon about eating Paleo and taking a cruise.  Look for that post 6/6/2014.

Down to business:

Starting Weight : 187.4
Current Weight: 117.4
Goal Weight Range: 113-118
Years weight has been off: 2 years, 4 months
Years trying to stop yo-yoing: 40 
Age 48
Height 5'1"
Menopause: yes! under one year.

Yeah, May 2014. It was kind of a tough month.

Feb 2012 and June 2014

1. I had a strong gut feeling to add some emotional/binge eating support early in the month of May. I spent some time early in the month connecting to a few people in real life and online.

2. So Cal Fires: Mid-May. they came close, but my house is still standing. I can't thank the first responders, my neighbors, and friends enough. Whew!

3. Plumbing repairs/upgrades. Yep! Needed to happen proactively. I know what happens when you ignore. Too many signs of history repeating itself. Amazon Prime ships Toto low flush toilets. Just saying.....

4. Add in regular home life, work, a few days of positional vertigo, plus a house re-finance. Yay for lower interest rates. Boo for spinning rooms. It's all fine now.... I'm fortunate in many ways. Being sick reminds me I work hard to stay well most days. Chicken bone broth for the WIN!

5. I started a meditation practice from the book 8 Minute Meditation.  So far so good...

I'm still standing, literally and figuratively. It's all good. I did have to work extra on keeping my eating in check this month. My stinking thinking could have come back quickly. I can see how and why weight re-gain can happen, and quickly.

 I'm still sustaining a 1 pound loss from April 2014, overall. Getting sick the last week of May 2014 helped me kick my motivation into high gear. I can see how very easily I could have tumbled right into a slow, steady re-gain had I been ignoring the scale. It doesn't take much. I'll be watching June like a hawk!  May was just one of those months! It could be better, it could be worse.   See below the photos for my What's Working now list.

My tortoiseshell cat says she posed for this statue. I don't believe her!

What's working this month:

1. Getting support from a closer "fit" for my needs. Listening to gut feelings
2. Asking for help from friends
3. Being pro-active on house repairs (decreases stress/saves $$)
4. Having bone broth pre-made and frozen in the freezer.
5. Meditation, I think it will be good...

What didn't work in the past:
1. Staying too long with the same thing or a fit that wasn't right. Totally ignoring gut feelings
2. Not asking for help soon enough.
3. Ignoring rather than being pro-active on house repairs.
4. Reverting to high carb snacks when I'm sick. Which came first- the sickness or the health problems from high carb foods? Hmmmm...
5. Not taking time to quiet my mind....

Every day is a gift and the chance to grow, do something better, or not. Glad for strength to stand, think, choose, act and all those other verbs... ;)


  1. Great job, Karen! Glad you are doing better!

  2. Stress plus being sick! You've handled it well my friend. Oh and I just started making chicken bone broth and beef bone broth. Yum

    1. Suzanne bone broth is becoming a regular item at my house. I'm starting to share with friends that are sick and I'm getting them hooked on bone broth, too!

  3. "I can see how very easily I could have tumbled right into a slow, steady re-gain had I been ignoring the scale. It doesn't take much. I'll be watching June like a hawk!"

    You are right, no matter how long we have been at this, it doesn't take much. Very easy to snowball.

    You are also right to watch yourself carefully for a long while. The AFTERS are a very real phenomenon.

    1. The afters!!! Yep. Thanks for stopping by Vickie. I draw a lot of strength and strategy form long term maintainers so thank you for being one of those people.

  4. Congrats on adding meditation to your world...the benefits are amazing.

  5. Yes ... you certainly had some stress levels to deal with during May but I think you've come through it so well.

    Here's to a great June

    Take Care

    All the best Jan
