
Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014 - in Weight Maintenance

Happy Memorial Day- 2014

Remembering those who served our country and are no longer with us.

I'm taking today to do things that both need to be done ( house, errands, etc) and things I love to do (cook on template foods, walk, photography, garden)

One thing I won't be doing is going to any sort of Memorial Celebration "So I can eat all the food" I'm telling you, eating on my food template is so different than the old days of wanting to attend cook outs, pot lucks, etc so I could eat all the food. I would bake so I could serve it, then bring home the leftovers and eat some more. That was also a tradition of sorts.

Yesterday was race day. Indy 500. The greatest spectacle in racing. I grew up in Central Indiana and the Indy 500 is a huge tradition. So are BBQ's, sweet corn, potato chips, tomatoes, deviled eggs and strawberry short cake.

 And me showing up to eat all the food used to be my tradition. Until I changed it. Now I still eat BBQ food but I keep it on food template. Grass-fed beef, lettuce wrapped in lettuce with tomato slices. Fat Guacamole Devils . Maybe some fresh blueberries. All food on template. Still the flavors of the season. But without all the sugar/grains/triggers.

Loving the new normal!

What is working
1. Sticking to a no-sugars, no grains, low inflammation food template.
2. Eating on that food template, but buy in season food that is on  my food template.
3. Making new traditions that fit with my current health and wellness goals.

What did not work:
1. Moderating summer picnic foods and high irritation foods like- corn on the cob!
2. Eating off template foods because it was a special holiday and I won't see this "holiday" for another year...
3. Keeping old traditions alive, even though it made me sick.

Safe travels today and always.


  1. You had me at FAT GUACAMOLE DEVILS...wait til my Spawn see those! Hope you had a great weekend, Karen!

    1. Yeah, Norma! The Fat Guacamole Devils are an Adult and Spawn favorite!

  2. Way to go on still enjoying the long weekend but doing it your way :)

  3. Great job! Yep, BBQ without all the traditional accoutrements can be done and is still delicious!

    1. So good to focus on Meat and Veg, Gwen. Nice to enjoy the season without the guilt!

  4. Interesting! Yes, I agree about the traditional holiday foods. It's hard to resist those things. Make new traditions!

    1. Lisa, I have a much better experience when I'm not choosing binge foods. No reason to keep that tradition alive!

  5. "Loving the new normal" ...... your happiness, contentment and well being shines through.

    All the best Jan
