
Saturday, February 22, 2014

PaleoCare Podcast review- two RN's discucss health topics

I really have enjoyed a newer podcast, PaleoCare.

The podcast hostesses are both RN/ Nutritional Therapy Practitioners. Chelsea and Katy talk about different health care questions, diseases and concerns.  All from a Paleo perspective.

If you follow them on Facebook, you can post questions in advance on a topic and they may choose to answer the question on the air! The link to their blog is here.

I had a question about sea salt vs conventional salt and the nurses answered my questions (episode #7 high blood pressure). I gave them a little background on my weight maintenance. They even read the "Whoot Whoot" part of my question! How awesome!

Anyway, if you are looking for continuing learning on the medical side of Paleo, try this podcast.

Continuing education is key in my continued weight maintenance. I learn something new each podcast. Very valuable!


  1. Thanks, Karen! Unfortunately, podcasts and I don't do well together. I am SUCH a visual/tactile 'learner', that it's difficult to stay focused when 'just' listening to podcasts. I keep trying. And failing. :(

    1. Hi Gwen! It's so good that you know how you best learn. Very important. If I see any YouTube videos that might be of interest, I'll send you a message. :)

  2. Can you please do a short recap of what they said about salt?

    1. Hi Vickie... it was a few weeks back and I have to discard the info you might need from my mind (I'm one of the ones who has to salt my food so my blood pressure doesn't go too low- or in response to my pressure going low). Anyhoo, they did say that sea salt was better than conventional salt ( micronutrients in sea salt/ conventional salt is highly processed). They also said to rotate types of sea salt so you get a variety of different micronutrients. They said my super low blood pressure "could" be a warning that a person was having "adrenal fatigue". Good to know, but I had to discard that notion as well, since I feel my hormones/ dealing with stress is fine. I'm sleeping well and not burnt out on anyone thing.

      They talked about iodine ( I don't worry since I eat nori/sea weed once a week and I get conventional salt in few canned/jarred tomato sauces once and a while)

      Once I got the weight off, went off birth control pills (also while overweight), my pressure has been on the normal for me low side. One side of my family has lower blood pressure (normally) the other super high (more disease like). I'm pretty happy I found I was on the lower side at a normal weight, so I would have less disease. I thought I was doomed, in error! Well, I was probably doomed eating wheat....

    2. My 16 year old has to consume more salt than normal (and fluids) due to low blood pressure. (She actually is at risk of going into tachycardia). She adds salt to food. This has been very hard for her because as a family we don't use salt. So the taste was terrible.

      One of the things her on line groups have mentioned is getting too much idodine.

      So she switched to sea salt.

      I was thinking she was still getting regular table salt in some of the processed things she eats, but I just looked and Amy's and Food for Life (Ezechial bread) both use sea salt. So does our food coop. Will check her protein bars next time I buy them. So not actually sure she is getting any table salt.

      Was the info you were disregarding trying to get you to switch from table to sea? Or trying to tell you that you couldn't do just sea and needed some table? Or telling you that you could not be nearly added salt less with low blood pressure? (I guess I need to actually listen to podcast, but I tend to avoid that kind of stuff)

      My own sodium intake is very low. I have a real sensativity to it. Causes major dizzies as it impacts my inner ear. I also have low blood pressure.

    3. The info I was not listening to had to do with high blood presssure and meds.. can't remember the rest.... I have one family member who can be salt sensitive. So when I cook, I'll salt at the very end, individual dishes. Seems to work okay.

  3. I hugely appreciate each time I see that you have echoed/supported one of my comments on other blogs. HUGELY. I am still a lone voice on a lot of topics. Less of a lone voice than I used to be. But still often the odd comment out there. Thank you.

    1. Vickie, you are welcome! I had to stop commenting on some of the blogs... I figured that people knew where I blogged and would ask me if I had any questions (sometimes they do). There seems to be a lot of people trying, but not picking effective solutions or testing things out. I hear you on the odd comment out.... when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Thanks for being my teacher! I"m sure you've influenced more people than you know...
