
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Free ebook Before I Eat- from Alen Standish- free download through 2/28/2014

Alen Standish has an ebook for dealing with binge urges.
Alen's book is free through the end of Feb 2014. Here's a link to Amazon

 It's a companion book to the "Before I Eat app" at the iTunes store.

Food urges, cravings, stopping emotion eating are something to be dealt with no matter what  food plan you use - for weight gain, weight maintenance or weight loss (Paleo/Primal/Plant Based/Weight Watchers/Medifast/ Calorie Counting)

 I found myself needing to deal with binge urges during the last 3 years during weight loss and maintenance.

 I like Alen's book. Hope you'll give it a download this week.

Disclosure: PS- Alen did give me an advance look at his book, but I would have downloaded it for free anyway! My review is my own.


  1. Thanks for letting me know about this e-book. I really, really need to look into it.

  2. :) I like Alen's approach and his podcasts.

  3. Hi Karen, Thanks! I downloaded it right away. Awesome!!!

  4. Thanks for this! Going to download it right now!

    1. I have a Kobo, but there is a free, simple-to-download Kindle app for computer, tablet or phone.

  5. Thanks for the tip! Being downloaded to Khaleesi (my paperwhite Kindle.) :)

  6. i passed this along to my FB friends -- thanks, Karen!

  7. Well Done, Karen ....thanks

    All the best Jan
