
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday 1/5/2014 links to some favorite posts this week and a few photos

My personal "take aways" from the articles are in bold

1. Photo: Holy "money shot".  A dolphin leaping out of the ocean at pre-sunset. I had a strong gut feeling to go to this beach for my daily walk on 1/4/2014. If you are not following me on Instagram for more Southern California photos, quick- do it. I'll be walking every day for as long as I'm able.  There WILL be more photo awesomeness...

2. I steer clear of product claims in my purchases. Too much hype.  I know canola oil helped contribute to my hs-CRP being 6.8 in the past, along with grain and sugar!  I feel much better without canola oil and it gives me a case of the sads when I see companies promoting it as "heart healthy". (thinking WW here)   I grew up eating popcorn in Indiana and I gave up eating popcorn for my food sobriety on May 3, 2011.

3. Tony  How a food addict says no to a cupcake video. Yes, Yes, Yes... I thank myself daily for abstaining from cakes with frosting. Total binge eating trigger for me. I've thrown out cake, cookies, frosting, candy and poured grease and/or coffee grounds on it. Because in the bad old days, I would dig in the trash can if the food was in a zip lock or other container. The stronger the urge, the more tough I have to be in recovery. Tony is not alone. You not alone.... by blogging about it, I gain freedom in life overall and not weight! I did not go into remission to learn how to eat a cupcake.

4. The rant near the end of the Abel James and Jonathan Bailor interview/podcast/video really struck a cord with me. I brought up the topic of "what kids eat in the school cafeteria" with my daughter. Great talking point on foods teens eat, choices, what is offered, what is eaten, and what the long term effects of all that soda and pizza will be on the general population. I suspect that supplying junk food to kids is going to cost a lot of money in health down the road. My 2 cents.  I value the teaching time now and my good buying habits in my own family.  I got myself well and now I can change this  outcome in my own family.

5. Great podcast interview over at Half Sized Me (Heather) who interviewed Go Kaleo. I liked this interview. Body acceptance, eating and not starving. Drinking water and chewing gum when you are really hungry. I used to try to stuff myself with baby carrots when I was hungry rather than eat some balanced protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Stuffing yourself with baby carrots will only make for funky elimination problems, just saying! I appreciated that when Heather and Amber talked about "eliminating whole food groups" that they qualified it with a medical need. I have a medical need to abstain from wheat and processed sugar.  Eating from a Paleo template, I can eat good sized meals of real food, get comfortably full, and maintain my weight and health.  I also have the best body image that I've had in my life. Eating real foods is real good for me.

That's it. I've been getting caught up on my podcasts while working around the house and walking on the beach at low tide. Wishing I could send you warmth and sunshine!

Crab in a tide pool
Seagulls on the beach at low tide


  1. Thanks for posting these links! I love the cupcake video. So true. Love your photos and I just followed you on instagram - I'm super jealous of your sunshine and warm weather!

    1. Thanks, Vanessa! That cupcake video really hit home for me. I grew up in Indiana, so I paid my dues earlier in life. I have to say, it would be hard to go back to cold winters. :) Thanks for stopping by the blog and for the IG follow.

  2. Life is all about balance and we all strive to find what is best for us but I have to highlight what you said "eat some balanced protein, fat, and carbohydrate".

    If we all reduced our carbohydrate intake and balanced our moderate protein and higher fat the world would be so much healthier. I do wish people would not fear fat. A good start would be drop the margarine type spreads and use butter. Margarine is full of chemicals unlike good 'old fashioned' butter.

    Nice pictures again and that dolphin .... magic.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan!! Oh, the fake margarine spreads. Also a case of the sad when I think how many bottles of I cannot believe it's not butter I used on nasty microwave popcorn. Ughhhhhhhh!
      Thanks on the photos. :)

  3. I eat a whole small avocado and SERVING SIZE of raw/plain nuts every day. Right now it is pecans. I keep them in the freezer, because I love the taste of really cold almonds or walnuts or pecans. Again, always, raw/plain. People get themselves into trouble, are fooling themselves, if salted or roasted. Those two sources are my healthy fats.

    I don't eat popcorn either, corn bothers me. Were you talking about the corn or the oil normally used to cook it?

    My oldest is on east coast. In warm weather he is at the beach regularly. He said the dolphins are plentiful and very close to the shore every day. I have seen them when I have been there too.

    1. Vickie- it was both the oil and the corn... inflammatory. I know because the popcorn itself was a binge food- salt and fake butter thrown in there... I would even go after the un-popped kernels. Thanking my lucky stars I still have my teeth!!....

      Regular corn was also a digestive problem for me, but I ate a LOT of it from the farm stands in Indiana. :0

  4. Stunning photos! What's your camera? and, as always, kudos to you!

    1. Gwen, my regular, beat up old Cannon Powershot 500SX I got fairly inexpensively at Costco- awesome zoom and good macro lens. Powershots have been the best for my limited budget on hobbies. I got a Fuji XP for tide pooling (crab photo was with my submerged camera AND the crab pinching at my water shoes... LOL!! ) Tide pool photos have turned out to be my most favorite way to spend my weekends. Thank you!

  5. I added you in instagream, lovely photos!!

    And thank you for the fantastic comment you left on my last post. Really, I appreciate it so much Karen. I know that I will be able to enjoy good food without splurging and being untrue to my own goals and your comment made me just think it over and reaffirm it to myself. I will enjoy treats, but in appropriate servings and that's a middle ground I've never been able to find before. Thank you!

    1. Maren, thanks for following me on IG. Glad you are approaching your travels from a place of mindfulness and strength. Safe travels. :)

  6. People get themselves into trouble, are fooling themselves, if salted or roasted. Those two sources are my healthy fats. He said the dolphins are plentiful and very close to the shore every day. I have seen them when I have been there too. Love your photos and I just followed you on instagram.

    Goji Berry Juice

  7. Hi Karen, I used to also do the carrot stick over-eat or the rice cake over-eat. Both were just awful, digestively speaking!

    However, I've also found that voracious gum-chewing made me get heart-burn. I guess the moral of the story for me--overboard is always overboard, with no exceptions. :D

  8. Love the shot of the dolphin, Karen! Do you live within walking distance of the beach? It's so beautiful.
