
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Keeping my strength commitment- Jan 2014

I'm keeping my strength commitment in Jan 2014. Stickers on a calendar. Like a kid. It works, so I  go with it. :)

What's working
1. Gym, increasing weights consistently, 2x per week.
2. Taking Jr. Family member with me.  Fun!
3. Keeping my gym clothes downstairs and in plain sight
4. Putting stickers on my calendar.
5. Downloading some iTunes for reward.

What didn't work in the past
1. Stopped going to the gym when life got tough
2. Thinking I couldn't work out at home when my daughter was younger
3. Not organizing prior to my gym day with clothes
4. Not developing a "rewards" system for my 2nd grade brain!
5. Rewarding with FOOD. Ugh. Not so effective...

 I had a look at my gym attendance records over the last year and I can see that after about 2-3 months, I could notice the difference in muscle tone. 

Due to bone strength and family history, I'm super motivated to make this a life shifting habit in 2014. Next steps are to advance in weight and see out a gym for basic movements so that as I increase weight and free weights that I have movement down pat to avoid injury.

I'm going to try blogging shorter topics/length 2-3 times per week. The weather has been awesome in So. Cal. I've been knocking out house projects and and getting outside as soon as possible. Sadly the long term results for our environment won't be so awesome for the water emergency called in the state and the effects this summer. 

I caught this surfer, the dolphins surfacing, this sail boat and post sunset on my way home from work last night. Great way to get my last 3,000 steps in for the day. So fortunate!


  1. Great plan on the strength training - and Super Jealous of the great weather!!!!! 38 and rainy here in NY

    1. Thanks! If I don't prioritize my time- poof, it's gone and I'm on to other things. The visual when I walk by the calendar daily keeps me on track. I know, the rest of the US has had it tough with temps/snow/ice/rain. I grew up in central Indiana.... not sure I could go back... :)

  2. If you find something that works well for you - then go for it and do it religiously, because in the long run you are the winner.

    Love the look of that sunset, we've had a lot of grey clouds today in my part of the world - and lots of heavy showers during the night. I wonder if we could all wave a magic wand what would be our ideal weather?

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Jan. Still working on an app to bring in the good weather.... LOL. Someone was joking about cloud seeding to get it to rain. Come July-October 2014, there will be increased forest fires.... big trade off now... Yes, magic wand needed.

  3. My fabulous WW leader in Reno gave out stickers for lots of things. It was funny to see newcomers kind of look down their noses at it, but it was never long before they were eagerly sharing something they'd done right to get one of those stickers. :)

    I love the idea of rewards in stickers. I just might steal it. Love the picture. We are having fabulous weather in Arizona too.

    1. Thanks, Caron. I think the fact that I walk by it so often. I'm a picture person, so more than having an app or another tracker- the calendar keeps it real. :)

  4. Gorgeous shot! I didn't notice the sunset being that nice up here. ;) I am making reading for pleasure a hot spot priority this year, although I didn't officially list it as a new year resolution (or did I. LOL) I'm still waiting until the arbitrary number of 125 to start the weights, but I'm beginning to re-think that. I think I need to make 2/1 the arbitrary start date, not 125. LOL

    1. Gwen, people were fighting for the top steps of all the beach accesses along the road I was walking.. :) Picking an arbitrary date may be a good thing.

  5. Honestly - yes, get to gym, strength traing 2 times per week, not on back to back days. AND also pick up one session of hand weights, at home one time per week. So if gym Monday and Wednesday, then home weights Friday or Saturday. Whatever works to space out days. Be sure to warm up before all sessions. Be sure to stretch after all sessions. Can easily do hand weights in front of TV if you like.

    1. Yes, I switch out my gym days to let my muscles rest. I can make great gains in muscle this way.

  6. You might know this, but someone else reading might not. My oldest and I just had this same conversation.

    Look for Pilates types exercise that have you on belly working upper back to counter act all the forward work you do on machines or with weights. I am talking about things like "swimming" classic Pilates moves. These will not use weights. Really important.

    1. Thanks Vickie! I'm looking forward to the new things I will learn this year.

  7. Stickers on calendar, moving stones from one container to another, check marks, notes on posts. All of those have worked very well for many a blogger.

    1. Vickie, yes! The sticker idea (or ones like it) are have been cheap, easy, and visible

  8. I also have a childish brain that needs rewards like stars. My fitness book is full of little penned in stars that I gave to myself. I estimate I'm a 5th grade mentality. :D

  9. Karen, when you make something like the paleo chicken curry recipe in the crockpot, how do you usually freeze the leftover portions? In ziploc freezer baggies? Containers? Thanks and hope you've been enjoying your weekend :)

    1. Hi Hills, I use glass containers with plastic lids OR I use Correll mugs with plastic lids. I try to go from stove, to freezer, to microwave to lunch to home to dishwasher in one vehicle for my leaky soups and stews.

    2. Do you ever have any issue with the glass containers shattering due to temperature change?

  10. Love the sticker idea....

    Nice photo!
