
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wedsday Links- good reading about weight maintenance and other topics

 Wednesday Links:

I was reading my feedly line up yesterday and came across Lisa's recent blog post at 110 Pounds and Counting about addressing a small weight gain from the summer. Here's the article.

Lisa has maintained her 110 pound weight loss  for 4-5 years.  Reversing a trend is a key trait in weight maintenance.  There are diet style differences between many maintainers, however key actions such as looking back, honesty, going back to weight loss tools, looking at root causes are all things that long time maintainers have in common. Bravo to Lisa for course correcting quickly.

Great example. We are stronger together.  So important to take the time to look back and evaluate life, in-puts to the process, out-puts to the process, and solutions. I have more blog posts in my head about this topic and some examples of my own.

Yoni Freedhoff's demonstration of how much sugar is really in Nutella.   A good reminder and another reason why I do not do moderation.  No wonder I stayed stuck. Sugar effects both my weight and my thinking.

Infographic on how Barbie in real life scale would have to walk on all fours! Thank you Amy Kubal.

And a blog post from Dr. Sharma about the article that shows why weight maintenance rather than weight gain has better long term outcomes.  My own experience: I still feel better maintaining at a lower, normal weight. I remember maintaining in the 150's, 170's, and even 180's and while I might have reduced my health risks- I was not putting life into living.  It is and was worth the effort in weight loss for me.

Mid-week cooking tip: If you wear head phones and leave them in front of you while sauteing vegetables, they may get too hot!  The volume control and on and off may stop working. Sigh. Back to the Mac store. Good reminder to tie back long hair, long sleeves, clothing, including electronics.


  1. Uh oh... new headphones for you! I copied your "favorite" podcasts and need to check into them for my elliptical time! Interesting article by Lisa. I too struggle with portion size. Doing the Whole 30 in October with friends on Dotti's should get me back to where I want to be! I consider maintenance "tweaking" always tweaking, always staying inspired by articles and blogs... so glad I found yours!

  2. Thank you for the shout out!

    I feel like maintenance is sometimes harder than the weight loss. Seeing the number go down on the scale each week is encouraging. When you reach goal weight and that stops, it's hard not to get stuck in a rut.

  3. Yes, I like your midweek cooking tip LOL.
    But seriously we do need to think and take care when cooking....

    All the best Jan

  4. Amen about the sugar! Exactly why I do not do moderation either!

  5. Yes, Nutella is evil. Moderation is not possible.

  6. I had no idea Nutella was decorated sugar. And to think I used to give that to my children when they were small...tsk, tsk.

  7. Thank you all! KC- I love downloading podcasts, I must update my list soon. I've become addicted (in a healthy way) to them. Lisa, weight loss could be for a few years, weight maintenance is for many, many more years. Navigating those years is easier when we can see examples like you! :). Jan- safety first- yes! Leigh, Kaki and Mac- so glad sugar is gone. I cannot say how glad I am!
