
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Unplanned break this week- back soon!

Hello all!  I've needed to take an unplanned blogging break, but I plan to be back at it soon.

Yes, I'm finding ways to de-stress and sticking to my food template. Yes, I've been weighing in daily.
Yes, having practiced good habits mean that I can go into autopilot OR to plan B in a short amount of time.

The avocados have been awesome. 

Taking funny pictures of the cats
Super Cat Sleeps and Stretches

This cat says "neener-neener" while trying to chew her way to the rabbits in the side yard

Coffee, flowers, my camera, and the Panikin Coffee shop, La Jolla, CA

What works during unplanned stressful weeks:
1. Sticking to a food template keeps me feeling my feelings and not eating them.
1.5 Eating the batch cooked food from the freezer to the microwave.
2. Spending time with the kitties and observing their cat ways
3. Taking short breaks to walk and sleep and take photos.

What did not work in the past
1. Eating sweet and junk food to try to numb out.
1.5 Eating fast food or junk food because there was "no time" and "I deserved that cookie"
2 Not taking time to observe the little things close to home.
3. Not walking and not sleeping or putting myself first.

This crap-tastic week is almost over. Yay. And onward!

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