
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Egg Wrap - a great way to use up extra vegetables

Ah! It's the weekend and I've got more time to batch saute vegetables. YES!  Not only do I get to use food that I purchased, the low inflammatory ingredients will fuel me for what ever weekend activity that I have planned.


Egg wrap:
1. Large pan for egg wrap.
2. Fat of your choice- coconut oil or Kerry Gold
3. 3-4 eggs. I use 1 egg and 3 egg whites (post thyroid, not fat phobic!)
4. Pinch of Pink sea salt- to taste
5.  Heat oil in large pan
6. Scramble eggs in a bowl and pour into pan
7. Move the large pan around the burner and tilt until eggs are set and flip the whole thing over using a spatula. 5-6 min or until set.
8. Finish cooking the top side 1-2 min.
9. Move to a plate and set aside.

Vegetable Saute
1. Set up as many deeper frying pans with as many vegetables you want to use.
2. Use fat of your choice in each pan (avocado oil, coconut oil, butter, ghee)
3. Season with pink sea salt or garlic sea salt to your liking.(omit if salt sensitive)
3. Place veggies in pan and stir until done to your likeness.

 Putting it all together:

1. Reheat the egg wrap
2. Add the sauteed veggies 

3. Chop and add any avocado, tomatoes, salsa, guacamole or non heat items at this step.
4. Brew coffee (optional, but highly recommended!)
5. Bring pink sea salt or garlic sea salt for last minute seasoning (omit if you are salt sensitive)
6. Grab a fork or knife.
7. Wrap up burrito style.

Notes: I usually use a fork and knife to eat
If I'm really lucky, I can pick this egg wrap up and eat it burrito style.

What works:
1.  Another great weight maintenance breakfast and fuel to last all morning long.
2. Awesome way to allow your breakfast family members customize their breakfast
3. Left over vegetables for quick reheating over the next 1-2 days
4. Save family $$ by using up food purchased
5. Great time and energy to spend cooking, playing,with the family and cleaning up the house.

What did not work:
1. Using a toaster to heat up Van's Whole Wheat Toaster waffles and topping with binge food while running out of energy mid morning.
2. Family members laying around watching Capt'n Crunch Commercials on Saturday morning TV.
3. Finding perfectly good vegetables gone bad in my refrigerator at the end of the week and microwaving processed foods over the next few days.
4. Money savings on purchased foods.
5. Sitting rather than active weekends. Whole family is more likely to be up and active.


  1. I always have leftover sautéed veggies, definitely going to try your egg wrap

    1. Very good , Dee! Cooking the egg wrap is the most challenging. Keep perfecting your method. :) Let me know how it turns out.

  2. Great idea! Hubby's out picking up ingredients to do another batch of egg muffins for the week! I like those every other week. Have a great weekend! Could the weather be ANY better? I think not! :)

    1. Thanks, Gwen! the weather is awesome. Hard to stay inside and do housework on these days... must sneak out to get a good Vitamin D dose and relax a little, too. Enjoy!

  3. I have an under-active thyroid and removed gallbladder, and fortunately, eating egg yolks doesn't cause any problem. Why did thyroid issues came between you end some fat?
    Egg wrap is a great idea! Thanks!

    1. Hello Galina, I had auto-immune thyroid disease in 1997. I've not done an auto-Immune thyroid protocol yet (planned for Jan 2014). I've noticed that if I eat more than 1 or 2 yolks a day that I'll get cystic acne that stays for 7-10 weeks). I'd gladly have the fat and nutrients in the egg yolks if it weren't for 7-10 days of painful or healing acne.

      The AIP in Jan 2014 will help give me some answers on yes or no to eggs.

    2. My thyroid problem is also autoimmune in origin, I have no idea when it started, most of my health issues are of autoimmune nature, except of migraines, I had my thyroid antibodies measured once, way after I started to supplement thyroid hormone.Usually I don't eat more than two eggs a day anyway just out of convenience. With allergies things keep changing. I don't plan any special thyroid interventions, just follow my normal practices to keep all my allergies from acting out because things in a body usually go better or worse together. I believe that if some allergy starts, it will never go completely away, but reaction may get milder.

    3. I'll be really interested in the results of the AIP. Decreasing my allergies has really helped my health. Thanks, for sharing, Galina.

  4. Great idea Karen. My favourite way to use up veges is to make a fritatta. I actually make extra vegetables on purpose - how can you go wrong right? Eggs...veges and in my case some cheese :)

  5. I am going to try this. It looks more fun than an omelette. :)

  6. Marc and Lynda- mmmm Fritatta and Omlettes... mmmm. Yummy!

  7. Who says eating great tasting and healthy food is hard? Certainly not me.....

    Super recipe and great pictures Karen...thanks.

    All the best Jan

  8. I like your writing style. I'm gonna go make one of these right now. I saw this linked from your Instagram post!

    1. Thank you, Ross! Getting the right heat (medium) and moving the pan around before the first flip is key. Keep practicing and trying these to develop it. I think the griddle pan works the best- with coconut oil, thin and crispy in parts. I still keep a fork nearby for veggie fall out. Good luck! :)
