
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Weight Maintenance- a year and a half later- feeling pretty awesome

 A year and a half weight maintenance check. August 3, 2013

Highest Weight : 187.4
Current Weight: 115.2
Goal range: 113-117
Age 47
Height 5'1"
Time in goal weight range: 1.5 years
Time it took to get to maintenance 40 years.

Feeling: Like I found the fountain of youth, better than my 20's
Food: Mostly Paleoish template of my own making
Exercise: 10, 000 steps a day
Strength: 2 times a week

What is working:

1. Eating whole, real foods that are the best for my body, eliminating those that are not.
2. Eating 3 meals a day, not eating for emotional or soothing reasons
3. Bring my own food as much as possible, saves money, tastes good and gluten free
4. Reading, learning, thinking & support- this part is never ending
5. Relaxing- photos, good sleep, hiking 

Sept 2008
What did not work in the past

1. Eating packaged foods with sugar/wheat, cereal and bagels.
2. Eating at anytime of the day, lots of snacking on processed foods, eating to numb out.
3. Eating out and over eating
4. Not being able to keep what worked, discard what did not.
5. Not being able to do as many active hobbies due to the weight

Yep! A year and a half. If I could do cartwheels without injuring myself, I would.  I had no idea that this style of eating and exercise and life would lead beyond weight maintenance to overall health.

The last two months have been the hardest, changes, work, menopause! Whoa. and Wow. I did okay.

It's easier with the clean eating. Much easier. NOT easy, but easier than triggering myself in the overeating loop. Whew. A big thanks to Dr. Barbara Berkeley, MD and her book Refuse to Regain.  Once I was able to customize the suggestions in the book, I was able to change my habits and processes.  It was much more difficult to try to follow the moderation strategies.  Key learning.

If you or anyone is 20 pounds or less before goal weight and/or in the first year of weight maintenance- get that book. Customize to fit your circumstances. So worth it.

What a year of weight maintenance looked like for me. I reversed a trend/gain. See it?  Off to do those cartwheels even if in my mind's eye....  Onward.

8-3-2012 to 8-3-2013


  1. Karen, you don't even look like the same person! Listened to and loved your podcast:) Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Leigh! I do look a lot different. It's been so long that people that see me everyday have forgotten what I looked like. Even I forget the image. I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling.

      Glad you gave the podcast a listen. Cheers!

  2. Well done Karen!! It can be done and the more who prove this is possible the better. The focus is always on weight loss and not many people think about life after that. You look so slim!!

    1. Thanks, Linda. Going into this, I thought the best thing that could happen was weight stability, but as you know, it really is total health.

      I think that I've become leaner by going to 3 meals a day. Probably more fat burning between meals? Also, kicking out nuts is probably a good thing, too. With my thyroid disease, nuts were probably not good for me- not to mention overeating tendecies- even with non-salted, non roasted

  3. Hi Karen! You look gorgeous! Truly. :D

    Love the chart--how really balanced your weight has been in this past year.

  4. Great, great post Karen. You look slim, healthy and so happy.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Marion, Jeanette, and Jan. Charting my weight really gives me a lot of feedback on foods, moods, carb ranges. Most important of all is reversing trends. Getting turned around in April-May of this year was key. :)

  5. I love this picture! You are just adorable and so teeny, tiny. My WW leader in Tucson had a maintenance class which I attended a time or two and she would use Barbara's book for teaching. I've only read her blog occasionally. :)

    1. Thanks, Caron. I had my hairdresser take this photo. I feel like I finally am the person who I was meant to be- both the outside and the inside. Worth the work.

  6. Karen, you are such an inspiration. I'm so glad I 'met' you! Some day soon, for realz! :)

    1. Yes! I can add to my list of people I know in the blog-o-sphere in real life. :) Glad I found your blog, too. So good to know others on the same path. Just knowing that keeps me motivated.

  7. Karen, you look FANTASTIC and happy. Congrats to you, and finding what works for you. Proud of how far you've come!!

  8. Congratulations you look amazing! You continue to be an inspiration to me

  9. Congratulations! I love reading your blog and seeing how well you are doing and how fantastic you look!

    1. Becca ,Vickie, Suzanne, Diane,- thank you. :)

  10. CONGRATS! I don't think people realize how tough maintenance can be. There's really no finish line, lol. PS no idea why I'm showing up as katdoesdiets here, lol. Just when I think I have my profiles fixed everywhere..

  11. You are truly a ROCKSTAR - amazing job. Isn't it funny how it takes until we're in our forty's to get it right? You are an inspiration. I like how you listed what worked and what didn't... a lot of wisdom there. Thanks!


  12. Thank you kat and Margene. So true- no finish line, just more of different scenery. I do think 40's are a great time to change things up. Something about it... Karen P

  13. Love your blog! Thanks for sharing our amazing achievement. It's very inspirational!!
