
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Busy summer July 2013- keeping food, sleep, and exercising as priorities

Holy Smokes. The summer of 2013 is busy. More so than usual, but also good. Food template is all dialed in. I'm about 95%  consider myself in recovery and fully transitioned from the root causes of the emotional/binge eating days. A few food thoughts come in and I let them go back out again.

It's been 2.25  full years since I started my weight loss. Maintenance, 17+ months. Lots of work happened 7-9 years ago. It's been a process, one I get the benefits from every day. So worth it.

What works:
Food:  I'm not tracking my food lately. Reason is I'm eating pretty clean low-inflammatory ( yes, Paleo- lower carb). The 85% chocolate and my coffee and the rare eating out are my off food template items. My weight is steady and right at or below goal. Awesomeness.

Cooking in the hotel, Seattle
 Sleeping: I'm sleeping much better now- going to bed sooner (reading blogs less, sad trade off but it's worth it). The lower carb food template is the best way to sleep better longer. I feel great during the day. Important since the days are jam packed.

Health: I feel awesome. Escaping the summer colds and pneumonia  that have plagued many people I know in real life. Everybody knock on wood! ;).  Pssst... living a Primal/Paleo, low inflammatory lifestyle has it's benefits and not getting sick very often is one of them. I recommend it. Vacation days are spent having fun and far, far away from the health care system. Co-pays become funds for vacation play.

Exercise: Still getting 10,000-12,000 steps per day. Impressive and I feel great.

Strength: Still hitting the gym 1-2 times a week. I could improve in this area.

Stress relief: Still taking photos, the walking is super relaxing, vacation done for the summer, getting ready for an 8 week, 8 minute meditation commitment.
Yummy seafood, Woodland Park Zoo

Motivation: Yes! I read a lot. I re-tweet articles and I have an Instagram account now, too. Podcasts daily. Enjoying Vinnie Tortorich- The Angriest Trainer Podcast. What a hoot after you've listened to 5-10 podcasts (it's an adult podcast- just warning you)

What is up next? The rates of chronic disease (especially for children) from bad science and big food and the Standard American Diet are creeping me out. Serious health and financial impacts. The best thing is to get yourself well, your family will follow, then be an advocate and spread the word- in my opinion.

What did not work in the past:
Food- eating in moderation, eating lots of sugar, cereal, and wheat & grains. Does not work for me. Kept me sick. Kept me really, really overweight, kept me sad and out of photos, kept me from enjoying my kid and my life.

Health: I got colds and sick way more often. It was not good.

Strength and Exercise: I couldn't lift things to do simple house hold tasks. Walking is much harder on knee's and joints.

Stress relief & Sleep:  Eating food to calm my nerves on a busy day only made it worse. So much worse. Feeling my feelings is so much less stress full than the emotional and physical pain of obesity. Getting enough sleep and snoring less (dairy induced) and sleeping deeper (lower carbs) keeps me making good choices during the day/week.

Low inflammatory, removing sugar, removing grains is not used often enough in long term weight maintenance and for overall health ,in my opinion. Looking forward to living, teaching, and being in the grass roots efforts to get things turned around. We are stronger together. Onward.

I'll blog when I am able. 

Lake Union, Seattle


  1. Wow! You are really an inspiration! congratulations on your loss and being successful at maintenance.

    I just found your blog and look forward to following you and learning some tips! :)

  2. Karen,
    I always love your what works and doesn't aspect of your posts!

    Although I am nowhere near the maintenance part of life, I am now reading Refuse to Regain! It is very helpful and I will re-read it again once I hit goal.

    Have an awesome day! :)

  3. Hi Karen! I always find your blog so helpful in confirming my own thoughts. What you say rings true for me too. I have also found that I get sick far less often per year--and if I ever do get a cold, it only last 3 days. That's almost awesome enough to have healthy eating just for that!

    :-) Marion

  4. Karen

    Brilliant post - keep on doing what you are doing.

    I have found that great food LCHF, gentle exercise and a good nights sleep works wonders.

    Hope the day and the coming week goes well for you

    All the best Jan

  5. Karen, you continue to be a rock star inspiration for me! I need to cut back on the tropical iced tea, even unsweetened. It has been affecting my sleep. Tea-free days I sleep like a baby. :) I just get a little bored with water 24/7, esp. at the rate I have to stay hydrated due to previous kidney stones.

    1. Yeah, I hear you on the liquids Gwen- coffee, decaf and water for me. It does get a little boring. I have to watch how late in the day I drink coffee. Tough to give up something youlove... Kidney stones are not fun.

  6. Hi Karen, I just want to add...ditto on what you said about sleeping, health and exercise. I believe my immune system is stronger as well.

    1. The immune system part is an unexpected benefit. So nice not to be down and out. My vacation days are rolled up with my sick days, very motivating.

  7. Hi Karen, this is the kind of post I enjoy to read and find so much inspiration from. I've lived in within 10 miles of Seattle for 17 years and still haven't visited Woodland Park zoo. I'll have to make a plan of that. Have a great week.

    1. Rolls, I recommend the Woodland park zoo. It was very hot on the day I went to the zoo. So worth it. Enjoy!

  8. Glad to hear from you. Crazy busy here too.

  9. I also love your "What works and what doesn't" posts. Thanks for sharing the resources on eating cleaner in your comment on my blog. I believe a lot of illness would be eliminated if we would all learn to eat better. Ever onward. :)

    1. Caron, I think so too- I had no idea the power food held over both preventing big diseases but just having fewer colds is pretty great.

  10. You are doing great Karen and these kinds of posts are awesome for everyone. Both people who are in maintenance and those looking to lose.

  11. Your posts are a testament to your hard work and perseverance in losing the weight and now in maintenance. Like Caron, I also enjoy "What works and what doesn't."

  12. Vickie, Diane, E Jane- hope I haven't missed anything.

    Thanks- if I forget about what does not work- it's very likely I will go back and re-gain the weight. I promised myself I would not so this is the deep dive I knew I would have to take.
