
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Prepping for Mother's Day 2013 with the New Normal

Mom's magic fairy

What works now, with the new normal:
I'm prepping for Mother's day by getting gifts for the mothers, batch cooking main dishes- Balsamic Crock Pot Roast from George the Civilized Caveman on Saturday instead of Sunday. I'm also making a Paleo version of my Inside Out Egg roll (recipe will follow this week).

 No magic fairy will appear and batch cook my food if I take Sunday off, so time in the kitchen is a must. Although,I am putting Jr. Family member to work as my sous chef as often as I can. Good for both of us.  We'll plan to do outdoor activities, take photos, and as many trips to the coffee shop as I want to make.

MOM's:  we ARE the magic fairies!

What doesn't work:
I've got to say I don't miss eating "special desserts" or "treats" or any of the other food items that are rolled out in honor of Mother's Day. I would eat that stuff, feel like crap, and then get triggered to eat more crap.  Food Zombie for a week or more.  Cookies, cakes, and other traditional Mother's Day sweet food was a trap. Probably a log type of curve if I had graphed it. Eat a little bit, want to eat more over the next few weeks, not for just one meal.

On my travels I read and hear statements like- "indulgences" "treats" "life isn't fun if you can't have a cake, cupcake, cookie, candy..." Photos of people shoving sugary foods near to the camera, this is what it's all about.... Yeah, right. I'm not buying what that subset of  people are selling me. For me, that kept me hooked into a negative cycle. Food can and should be tasty, nourishing, but food being  entertaining or fun has left the building, just like Elvis....

In closing:
Habit, tradition, ingrained automatic processes, operating spell bound under 1000+ irrational beliefs all messed with my head. And, it was important for food sobriety for me to get clean of this stuff. Obesity, food cravings, binging, diabetes ( I don't have it, but I would have by now) don't take a day off. My body does not care if it's Mother's Day or any other day. 24/7. I respect, honor, and accept that. I'm better off physically and mentally because of it.  No brain fog means I can enjoy the day clear headed and feeling good.

Hope you are all planning to stay food sober in Mother's Day 2013.  You can bet I will be joining you.  Happy Mother's day, if you celebrate. If you don't celebrate, treat yourself well. You deserve it!
another photo from my  walk last weekend


  1. In my weight loss journey, I have managed to shed the idea that I should eat crap on special occasions. No matter what the holiday, how good the restaurant, I can manage to make good choices. Unfortunately, cravings still plague me, and occasionally a binge sneaks up on me. I'm working on it!

    1. Kaki, I think I'll always have some cravings and thought processes no matter what and a small binge here or there.I think the speed at which I catch myself and stop myself will imporove and the time between lapses will get longer.

      It sure is a process. It sure did take a long time to figure out I needed to stop triggering myself. Glad our eyes are wide open now.... :)

  2. It sounds like a lovely Mother's Day you have planned, doing things that you love. :-) I think it's great you two cook together, too - and honestly, what is better on Mother's day than harmony with your child, especially a teen daughter! :-D

    1. So true, Cheri. Hoping the harmony lasts the whole day. ;)

  3. I celebrated Mother's Day a little early this morning by running a 3.4 mile road race with my daughters. Tomorrow we'll be doing the usual Sunday nothing, then heading to Josh's mom's house for a cook-out -- salad and grilled meat; very Paleo. :) Have a great Mother's Day, Karen!

    1. Norma, I think it's great you ran with your daughters. We usually do something outdoors, last year tennis. Thinking beach this year? Glad you are staying paleo. Good stuff.

  4. Great idea cooking in advance - I too have dinner prepped and my daughter is taking me and her mother-in-law out for lunch (well the men are taking us all out). I know I will eat well while out and have no desire to even look at a dessert menu, let alone eat any. Those days of "special occasion = dessert/cake" have long gone, thank goodness.

    Happy Mother's day to you all :)

  5. I plan on being food sober tomorrow. I work and there will be no "celebration" so that will make it easy. :) Have a great day tomorrow.

  6. Happy Mother's Day, Karen! Was down in Chula Vista yesterday for a birthday party and Mother's Day celebration, and had no interest in any of the carb garbage/sweets. Brunch this morning with Mom and then I'm home free. Although, it really isn't tempting, so nothing to feel like I'm escaping from, actually! What a great feeling!

  7. First of all - Happy Mother's Day.

    A really great post. I have added it to my collection for next year.

    Our Mother's Day did not involve food at all. We are going to see a play (two of my kids, husband and myself). Stopped by to visit my mother yesterday (honestly so I had the day to myself and my family today). Girls and I are working on a big project (a doll house) - we are 52, 19, 15 but having as much fun as if we were all 12.

  8. Happy Mothers Day! I have to say that in this house we don't celebrate Mothers Day with food and I'm perfectly o.k with that :)

  9. Karen - I'm enjoying Whole30 so much that I wasn't tempted to eat anything *of plan* yesterday. My family get that it's important to me and my increased energy and good mood is proof enough for them, in fact my 17 year old daughter has recently joined me and eats only what I eat :)

    Also working hard at making celebrations about family, conversation and good times, NOT crappy food.

    Happy Mothers Day!

  10. Happy belated Mother's Day Karen (and mothers above).

  11. Happy belated Mother's Day. I made your onion quiche on Saturday. I actually made two- one for my breakfasts this week and one to take to my mom's so she wouldn't have to cook on Mother's Day. It was delicious and my boss wanted to know what smelled so good!

  12. To all the magic fairies, we work well don't we. I especially like it when I spread a little fairy dust and hey presto all the work is done! I think not BUT hey I can live in a dream world can't I?

    Hope you had a lovely Mothers Day. We celebrated ours in the UK earlier this year. Coming up next is Fathers Day in June. Will they get the elves to help them?

    The best to all Jan

  13. I didn't overeat for mother's day either. The rest of the family had pancakes and bacon--I did not. So I should not have any double fines to pay for holiday weight gain at my weight loss meeting tomorrow.

    :-) Marion
