
Monday, May 27, 2013

June 2013 challenge and the official start of Summer

I'm starting a walking challenge with Mel- from The Daily Mel. Memorial Day to July 4th, walk at least 1 mile a day. I choose to walk a minimum of 3 miles, preferably 4-5 miles most days for weight maintenance (8-10,000 steps). I've committed to 3 miles minimum. I'll update my twitter feed most days with my steps converted to miles. 

Here's how the summer starts for me.  Safe travels and remembering those in the military who gave their lives so I can travel freely.

What works: Walking 8-10,000 steps, most days, taking my camera.
What did not work: not tracking my activity, slippery slope thinking told me "I was doing a lot!". That was around 5000 steps or less a day.

Jim Neighbors singing Back Home Again in Indiana- Indy 500

A new Indy Car fan! Concerned about the yellow flag early in the race.
Even the 2012 re-cap is interesting

Summer starts with some coffee on the beach

Summer traffic at Torrey Pines, check!
I love that there are good bathrooms at this beach.

Hiking along the coast is relaxing
Loved the feather pattern on this raven's wings

Post hike salad from the cooler

Some orange slices,  carbs to keep me going

Coaster train headed through the lagoon

Red Bull not required

Only a fraction of my paycheck, more avocado oil this time

An Americano is required
playing around with panos


  1. Love those pics! What a beautiful place :)
    I might join in the Walking Challenge...only I'd have to call it the Winter Walking Challenge, which is probably a good idea, as people tend to hibernate just because it's colder...

  2. Hi Karen - For some reason, hard boiled eggs and avocado make a salad AWESOME:) Great pics!

  3. Love the photos!

  4. That is the good kind of challenge (in my opinion) - a habit challenge.

    The X pounds by X date kind of challenge makes me a little crazy, because they usually seem to get people in trouble. That mind set gets people in trouble in general. . .

    1. Sandra- yes! I walk in the winter, too. No matter what, sometimes more indoors.
      Marc, Vanessa, -thank you
      Vickie- I love the habit changes on the challenge- writing a blog post about this for Friday. Soooo good to examine my habits. Key to growth and moving forward.

  5. I love the picture of the hiking trail by the beach!

  6. Beautiful pictures! Walking is a challenge for me and I need to do more of it.

    Good luck with your challenge.

    1. Thanks, Lisa and Loosing the Rolls- hiking really helps with weight and with getting out there in nature. I so love it. I tried to look for dolphins (past whale season) but no luck this time around. Maybe next...

  7. Karen, I found your blog via Vickie's. I will be following now, as I enjoyed reading what you had to say. I found your history to be similar to mine, with two significant weight losses and regains. I'm in the process of losing again, so I am very interested in how you maintain.

    1. E Jane, thanks for stopping by- glad you are looking at different weight maintenance strategies. I know I did not really plan for the maintenance phase of this process. Just knowing that you are thinking about it is a huge step- IMO. Glad you found the blog.

  8. Karen, I accept your challenge, it's that extra that really helps me also. My goal is 12-15K steps a day. Now that sounds like a lot but it's easy, my Metro station is over 3 city blocks from my job and then the next station is about 7 more blocks away. So on a decent day, I just go to the next station. Then my stop where our shuttle picks us up is a decent safe 3 and a half mile walk and I also get up to run 2-3 days/week; so this adds up to between 12-15K steps. Well, here's what I do---I make excuses about the weather and this and that and don't do this as much as I should. Doing this for the month of June will get me motivated and thinking everyday, how can I get more steps in???

    1. That's great that you can fit in your steps into your commute. Love it. Automatically built in. If I slip too far below 9-10,000 steps a day- I will start to see a bit of re-gain. Good luck and let us know how you are doing. I post my progress everyday on twitter #walkwithmel

  9. Hi Karen
    Once again your pictures look great, and that salad I could eat it NOW !
    I walk quite a bit, I find it relaxing, I don't rush, I just take my time .... wonderful

    All the best Jan

  10. I need to go out to Lake Michigan again! We only live about 50 or so blocks away from it. I'm surprised we are not out there more often. I also like nice bathrooms at the beach.

    :-) Marion

    1. Jan- I love to stop and photograph stuff. I have to subtract walking time because I end up so involved in closeup photography.- Not a bad thing, but sometimes I have to remind myself- keep moving. :)

      Marion- I used to visit relatives and we would go to Lake Michigan in the summer. Fun memories. Drinking coffee = wanting good beach bathrooms. ;)
