
Monday, April 1, 2013

Podcasts, I'm coming out of my shell April 2013

 No Joke Monday- April brings podcast showers....
I was interviewed for the "Quit Binge Eating Podcast" by Alen Standish- blog link is here 
Alen is having conversations with friends series. I can really relate to many of the things that Alen talks about and what Christina talks about in her episode.

 In a few weeks, you'll be able to listen to me talk about my story in my own squeaky/nasal voice for 20-30 minutes. I'll link to it from my blog.

The podcast was scary fun- fun  to record (google hang out), but also scary to get real about telling my food/emotional eating history. Fun to be able to talk about what works. I know it's often said that transparency is the new currency. And, I know by telling our stories, we can help others. I so know I'm not alone in this.

Alen has created a free, web based app called Binge Buddy . Check it out if you find yourself eating off the rails for whatever reason.

I'm set up for another podcast in later April, too. I'll blog about that, too!  It's so fun to learn new things. And, podcasts keep me motivated, learning and growing.

What works
1. Finding a safe environment to talk.
2. Getting help and support from outside myself- friends, counseling.
3. Getting off trigger foods - processed sugar/wheat/grains/salty snacks

What didn't work
1.  Talking to people who were not helping me.
2. Not seeking out support when I knew I needed it. 
3. Eating junk food because others told me I would binge without them!!?? I call baloney on that in my experience. I accept that for others reality, but the reverse is true for me.

Fossil shell layers- exposed


  1. Looking forward to hearing your podcast when he publishes it. I can imagine that was scary to record, probably will be some level of scary when he publishes too. Good effort.

  2. "Getting help and support from outside myself- friends, counseling."

    My daughter has a friend who weighs 300+ lbs, early 20's, who was just told by her doctor that she will die without bariatric surgery which she can't afford. She says she has tried "all" the diets and nothing works. She maintains she only eats once per day, which may be true, but whenever my daughter has seen her eat, it has been total processed garbage food (which unfortunately my daughter has a tendency to share in). I think this girl could combat her problem with a decent diet and lifestyle change, but my daughter is so afraid of offending her by bringing up the subject, as her friend is very sensitive about her weight. It breaks my heart, as I know just how she feels as I was once there myself. I would have loved someone to have helped me back then. All I ever got was "Don't eat so much!" Any suggestions from you or your readers on how to approach his situation would be much appreciated.

    1. There are free support groups she could go to for support and counseling, such as Overeaters Anonymous, and ANAD. You can find where the nearest meeting is for either by looking them up online - there will be a contact number to call, to talk to someone and let them know you would like to come to a meeting. Sometimes ANAD can even hook up low cost (sliding scale) private therapy if someone does not have insurance. However, the motivation for change really does have to come from the individual. If there is desire to tackle the problem, then you can start trying to figure out what the best strategy might be for that person. But more support is always a great place to start/finding people who "get it", getting rid of shame, seeing others who are "winning" the battle.

    2. Suzi : Ditto what Cheri said. In my experience going to a good councelor, life coach, or cognitive behavioral person or hypnotherapist is that they will get you. And they will also go down other paths if you are open to it. The key is that the person who needs to change must want to change. Very hard to watch someone kill themselves. If the person is open to change , counceling or life coach. Even for something other than weight loss. Good professionals will end up making an impression , as long as she's willing to change My heart goes out to you all. Tough stuff

  3. Karen, that is so cool about the podcast, I can't wait!! So glad you took the personal risk to do it. :-)

    What works for you #3 - I so agree that just because something is true for one person, does not mean it is true for everyone. That is why we have to test things out and determine individually what will be our plan. I have even found what truly did work for me at one point (or did NOT work) needs to be changed at another. Or what was a PROBLEM for me at one point, is no longer a problem for me at another. For instance, many years ago I would have found it triggering to weigh daily, and to count calories - it would have kicked me into overly obsessive thinking. I am finding (happily!) that it seems to be fun now, and no big deal in any negative way. But it takes regular looking inward to determine what is/isn't working.

  4. Vickie. Thank you.
    Cheri. Good points. I so had to get used to making good , effective decisions for myself. And I had to change them up to make it all work. WW to Medifast to Paleo. Life changes. Toss in age and menopause. Lots of riding those waves. Good luck on the next steps!

  5. Thanks for being a reader of my blog and commenting. I love feeling a sense of community and support!

    Also, I really like that link you posted to Binge Buddy, what a great tool.

    I also found that getting rid of my trigger foods is a HUGE help for not overeating. Once I have that first bite of wheat at a party or something (cheese and crackers or bread and dip or whatever), it snowballs like crazy.

  6. Brutal honesty was one of the reasons I started blogging. It felt safer to tell the WHOLE truth on a blog, rather than looking someone in the eye and saying it. I find it helps me be more honest with myself, too. If I find myself thinking, "I don't want to put that on the blog," then, clearly, I shouldn't have done it!

  7. Hi Karen, my experience is very similar to yours and Cheri's.
    I am really glad I found your blog. I've hoping to find a place where I could say that in addition to being impressed by your accomplishment re. health, I really admire your kindness and generosity of spirit.

  8. Awesome! I always enjoy doing interviews. Radio/podcasts are good because it doesn't matter what you wear. Jeans and a t-shirt are acceptable!

  9. Not having the foods I like to binge on in the house made a HUGE difference for me. It takes so much more effort to get in my car, drive to the store and buy junk food and that deters me!

  10. Thanks to all of you who commented on the blog. The podcast should be out in a week or so. Excited. :)
