
Friday, March 8, 2013

Rainy Friday - will walk anyway

It's a rainy Friday in the San Diego area today.

If I can get a break in the rain, I'll go outside. Always a different photography perspective. If time is limited and it's raining, I can walk inside buildings and do a lot of stairs.

Either way, the weather won't determine my work out today. My body keeps track 24/7. It does not know that the weather is not fabulous. Weight maintenance, better frame of mind, leaner body, good bone health, and photography, visiting with friends/family are the goals.

It's never my goal to walk more to eat more food. Entertainment eating was kicked to the curb. Exercising to make up for poor eating was kicked to the curb. The older I get, the more that eating nutrient rich, non process food matters.

What works
1. Keeping a set routine with walking built into my time.
2. Wearing a pedometer so that my mind does not play "I've walked a lot " tricks
3. Finding other times/places to walk- while waiting in airports, appointments, etc.
4. Finding cool walking coats-REI. Rain proof but breathable.
5. Fueling with Paleo style foods for the appropriate length of the walk. Walks over 45 mins-1 hour require the right fuel. 

What does not work
1. Not scheduling in walking time
2. Not knowing how much activity I'm getting based on steps.
3. Sitting and reading or computer time while I've already spend a lot of time sitting at work.
4. Forgetting to bring my rain gear to work.
5. Eating Cliff bars, energy bars, and other carb laden traps to refuel.

Remove those barriers to "bad" weather and poor food choices. Now if the traffic holds on the I-5, I'll get started on my day...


  1. agreed with every word,
    great post

  2. Thanks, Vickie and Suzi- I know you both know about exercising in cold or bad weather- I love your blog photos Suzi, and your work out lists- Vickie- take me back to driving in winter Indiana weather.

    In So. Cal, people treat the rain like it is -0 degree weather and it would be "dangerous" to go out there! Funny stuff. Although I do wear an Indiana winter coat like the So.Cal natives do. And the roads become full of traffic accidents due to speed and wet roads. Thanks for stopping by. :)

    More rain again. It's as green as we will see it the whole year.

  3. Wow, Karen, so you live in my favorite city in the United States! Awesome! You have the most spectacular conference center I have ever seen and I have seen a few...
    I am with you on the walking, as you know from the multitude of comments I am leaving now that I found your blog. The only time I do not walk is when the streets are covered with ice or when the rain or snow is horizontal and the umbrella does nothing to protect me. I just love walking! I am outside, have my audiobook or iTunes, what more could a body need for mental health?
