
Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday, Big Hair Friday

Here's a couple of recent photos of me. As my body got thinner, my hair got bigger.  I'll get some better "big hair photos". Promise. The day these photos were taken was very humid. And my hair is slightly curly- so hair volume can vary.

As compared to the big body, short hair.


  1. lol I can relate! My hair seems to be getting bigger too the thinner I am getting..I grew up in the 80's (graduating high school 1988) so I had 'really' tall big hair then (permed and highlighted to the max) so I have to make sure I'm not feeling younger and trying to go back to the 80's days lol.
    You look great! Here's to big hair lol

  2. You are too cute! Loved the pics. Also love the glasses on you.

    Had you been heavy for so long that when you run into people who did not see your progressive weight loss, they do not know you?

    1. Vickie- yes! Most of my family has seen my photo, but some people say they did not recognize me. Last summer- I walked to my daughter, who was sitting in a hotel lobby, and she did not recognize me as me. She was startled!!! LOL.

      When I use the face recognition on my MacBook Air- it still picks up overweight me vs normal weight me. It's shocking, though, even to me. Grateful that I did not become more sick while overweight.

    2. I have had people recognize my voice, and then figure out it was me.

      I also have found that the 50+ year old me looks like the older version of the college me. And the fat me, does not look like me.

  3. I'm a big hair girl too! I always feel like my head looks tiny compared to my body, so thank goodness for it.

  4. I would have big hair if mine wasn't so baby fine and flyaway. :( Love the pictures.

  5. looking goood! Like Caron my hair is way to fine for big hair.

  6. It is really nice to be able to associate the image of you, so healthy and confident, to the comments for which I always look on the blogs I follow, in which you participate.

    Re. hair, I have the same situation Caron has.
