
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Photo update- 9 Months maintaining

October 31, 2012

Here's a side view of 9 moths of maintenance. Sill rocking the Danskos

Eating very little processed foods- Paleo diet, exercising regularly- Primal lifestyle, getting the mental game in check- adopting what works from other maintainers, changing the way I deal with stress- the answer is not in the snack cabinet.  All of these new behaviors and techniques really make a difference. 

 Anyone who thinks that you WILL regain after a big weight loss- well that might happen. It's not easy, but successful weight maintenance  can be done in many cases. And it's certainly worth a try. Lots of people do- Weight Watcher's long time lifetime members, successful lap banders, Take Shape for Life Coaches, total transformation bloggers & cross-fitters, clean eaters, bicycle riders, gym rats.   There is no one way. There is only the right way for you.

 Because if you tell yourself you can't, you probably won't.  If you tell yourself you will find a way no matter what, you probably will. I've had some people tell me I can't. And to that, I say- WATCH ME.  

May 2011
Because I cannot even remember the person in the photo below. And, it's only been a year and a half.  And, I needed to know that there were other maintainers out there who were successful. Before I took the first steps...  We are stronger together. 


  1. Awesome. I am just entering in to maintenance territory.I'm rally not going to change much from how I eat now (whole foods, nothing processed). I just may eat more natural carbs on run days. I certainly hope to be you a year from now!

    1. I have this feeling you will do just that , Leigh. You've got your heading The game and are thinking and doing maintenance.

  2. Congratulations. The "self-fulfilling prophecy" for us who are determined to get and stay at our goal weights can be a positive thing. It also works in reverse and we know it. We are going to be pro-active and successful. Lifestyle changes will stick because we decide they will. I just intend to keep on keeping on just maybe a little more of what I already eat. I will not be adding back carbs. I know better. Good job.

  3. You have had an amazing journey to health! And you're right there is no right way. Just whatever works best for each of us.

  4. Wow! Look at the contrast of those two pictures! WAY TO GO!

    1. Thanks , Lisa. I'm a totally different person now. I love your maintenance series. I ll link to it in an upcoming post soon.

  5. You took very good before picture, so can really tell the difference.

    You are like I am now. No one would guess your history from looking at you.

    Would be interested in an excess skin post (can't remember if you wrote one) with what happened if that topic interests you. Do you think losing your weight so quickly had an impact on the amount of excess skin or anything else? Maybe it doesn't seem quick to you. Maybe I was just slow.

    1. I'll do a post on that topic. It's a good one to address. I should have more time later this week. :)

  6. The difference in your pics is remarkable, and what I keep thinking is: Not only have you gifted yourself with good health, but you have given that gift to your Jr family member as well--a mom who takes good care of herself and will be around for a long, long time. Many, many kudos to you for all your hard work!

    1. Hils, I replied but it got deleted by mistake?? I say lack of coffee and typing on the iPad early in the am!!! Anyhoo, thank you. The projected rate of child hood hypertension and diabetes is moving me to want to do volunteer work in that area. I know the power I have over the modeling that goes on with the Jr Family member , so that is key. It truly is a gift. Thanks again for your comments!

  7. I agree that it is important to focus on those who ARE maintaining. It gives me hope and a belief that, I too, can keep it off. I lost over 130 pounds and have maintained that loss for almost 5 years now. It's not easy. It takes vigilance, persistence and a focus that can sometimes be hard to do day after day. I have a tendency to be a perfectionist which can create havoc with weight maintenance. This attitude had to go out the door. If I mess up, I need to pick myself up and start over. I find that periodic "honestly checks" with myself about food intake, exercise, etc is essential to my success. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Terry!!! I really relied on the fact that because others had done it, I could too. You are so right. It's hard to deal with the perfection. Picking yourself up and honesty cheeks are so key to the long term strategy.

  8. Hi Karen

    Yep, you are so dead right. Maintaining IS possible and (to whoever might be reading this) if you've shown you can do the weight loss part, you can definitely do maintenance - but it does take the same sort of committment that losing in the first place does.

    That was always my error in the past (for decades!). For way too long I thought it was as simple as 'lose the weight, get back to my usual behaviour'. Hence I always regained. However, once one actually 'gets' that what's needed is to change for life, maintaining a healthy, happy weight is very similar to losing excess. It becomes a part of one's life and the new 'normal'.

    Karen, your post shines out and shows how very definitely you have 'got it'. The fact that you are still willing to learn new good habits and pick up on tips which work for others is a great tip in itself. What a fab mindset - you are a great ambassador for the whole process. Love your before and now pics too.

    1. Awww, Thanks Deniz. I so wished I could have gotten it together sooner, but I'll take now and embrace it. Thank you for your kind comments.

  9. You look awesome Karen. You have done an amazing job with the loss and maintaining. Very inspiring :)

    1. Thanks, Lyn. Good luck on finding the right weight loss tool for your loss.

  10. Karen,

    You are looking great! What an inspiration you are to me!! I think I am getting past my plateau due to comments you left on my blog. You were correct, keeping strict to the eating, mixing up the exercise, and most important, not giving up, have made the difference. Keep up your success!!


  11. Thanks, Don. That's part of the learning while loosing. Trying to dial in your diet while exercising or changing up exercising can be tricky. Kudos to you for changing it up and finishing out the year by hitting your 50 pound mark. Bravo
