
Sunday, October 7, 2012

8 months weight maintenance -holding pattern

 Highest Weight : 187.4
Goal weight: 115.4
Current Weight: 115.0
Height 5'1"
Months at goal weight (+/- 2 pounds) = 8 months

Weight Holding steady:
My weight has really leveled out this last month or so. I track my food about 1-2 days a week, or anytime I see any number in the 116's or above. Keeping my carbs below 100 gms per day will cause loss. Keeping my carbs above 130 grams per day will start to cause gain. The carb "window" is very narrow. No wonder counting WW points did not work for me in weight maintenance.

In the month of Sept, I participated in a walking challenge. I pretty consistently walked over 10,000 steps a day, with many days being higher than 10,000. I was hitting 8-10,000 per day before the challenge. It's unclear if the extra walking kept my weight with little fluctuation, or I have my diet pretty dialed in, or both. Or none. Who knows?

Strength training: Very regular at one day a week, with half of Sept being 2 days a week.  I'm getting comments that I look strong and toned. Awesome. For October, I'm still going to the gym once a week, but I'll focus more on exercises I can do at home. I have new motivation, but I want to test out my new routine myself, then report back in a month.

Restored beach house- love that look

Photos: Still summer here in So. Cal. Fabulous for fall photo ops. I have no problems getting motivated to be outside, walk like crazy, and take photos.

 Food and Recipes:  As luck has it, both Sarah Fragoso's new cook book "Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook" and Chrissy Gower's "Paleo Slow Cooking" were available at my So. Cal Costco . So I bought both and I'm trying all sorts of recipes for batch cooking. The rest of the year is crazy busy, so batch cooking will keep my eating on track. Photo is from Sarah's book- it's slow cooker curried chicken.  [Edited to link to the recipe], so go and BUY those books if you are into good , gluten free recipes.  Next recipe, a roasted lemon chicken and bone broth. Yum!


  1. Congrats on keeping it steady, Karen. I just started reading Refuse to Regain and am so glad. I am still trying to lose 4 or 5 lbs before calling it quits but I've maintained for two weeks just to test myself. A solid plan in place will be a nice feeling.

    That chicken looks delish! Guess I'll be looking for those books next!

    1. Thanks, Shrink to fit. That book was key to my success this time around. I discovered it at my local library while I was really overweight. I skimmed it then, knowing I'd have to tackle working the rules closer to goal. Knowing that I could be a successful maintainer at the end of the loss was also key to my motivation while loosing. I decided that I was going to be a successful maintainer come H*lll or high water.

      So worth it. Glad you are working on your plan. I'm happy to have company. :)

  2. Good job, Karen. Your maintenance posts are such an inspiration to me and I so hear you loud and clear about the amount of carbs consumed being directly proportionate to weight fluctuations. I'm exactly the same way.

  3. It's good to be on this path with those who are waking down it the same way. :). Thank you very much.

  4. I'm so happy for you! Congrats on 8 MONTHS! Doesn't it feel really good to maintain it each month? It will get easier and easier and then you won't even think about it. :)

    (And thanks for the kind comment on my post.:) )

    1. Thanks, Lisa!! I think you are right about it being easier as I go along.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Norma! I'm a sucker for taking photos of beach houses and craftsman style cottages. Love that style.

  6. Hi Karen - I haven't been to your blog before. I love that you are maintaining - most "dieters" lose weight then regain and it is so refreshing to see someone concentrating on maintenance. I've maintained now for about four months and hopefully will do so forever! I don't think I've ever lost weight and then not regained quickly in my whole life.

    1. Lynda, so glad you found my blog. I really think that the Paleo/Primal way of eating is an awesome match for long term maintenance. Of course the mental side of weight maintenance is key, too.

      I'm always so happy too find other weight maintainers who are on the same path. I can't remember how I found your blog. I find that the more Paelo/Primal style of eaters/maintainers blog's that I read, the more I learn.

      Glad I found your blog, too, and I'm cheering you on for success. I enjoy your NZ photos. I traveled there in late 1999. Fabulous country. :)
