
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Week 34 and 35- End of year review- 2011

Week 34 was on Christmas day with a 2.2 pound loss, total was 63.4 pounds, ave loss per week 1.86 pounds.Week 35 will end tomorrow- New Years Day, but to put and end to this year, I've lost another 2 pounds! and I'm now down to a 65.2 total loss, ave per week is 1.87 pounds
I stayed the same weight between Dec 26th-Dec30th. I really thought that I had reached my maintenance plateau, but only time  and my body will tell.

2011 was the best of times and the worst of times for me. The worst of times were not things I could control, friends and family members who passed or are ill.The best of times were the weight loss with Take Shape for Life, my friends and family, safe travels, fabulous coffee, reading weight maintenance blogs of others who have lost and maintained, and all the cool photos I've taken and posted at Project Noah .

 More to come in 2012. I'll post a new blog tomorrow with my 2012 goals. It's all about structure! And lots of coffee and photos.  Happy New Year! Safe travels to all.

I know you know not to drink and drive. So step in and speak up if you see anyone else doing that. We all deserve to drive home safely every day of the year!

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