
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Inside out Egg Rolls- Lean and Green Recipe

Here's a favorite lean and green recipe from Sandy's Kitchen during my Medifast/TSFL weight loss. The photo below is from my kitchen. Sandy posts awesome recipes. My daughter likes this one, so it's a meal we can eat together.  Here is a link to Sandy's recipe for inside out egg roll. I don't even miss the egg roll wrap.

Photo from my kitchen  of the inside out egg roll. Fabulous and one entire lean and green meal. Freezes well, too.

Editing to add correct link.


  1. the site behind your link appears to be gone. By chance do you have a coy of this recipe that you could post?

    I clicked the email notice button, so if you respond here, I will see it.

  2. Thanks for the heads up, Vickie. I fixed the link. Now that I eat paelo-ish, I have modified this recipe from my Medifast days. I've got some ground turkey, so later this weekend, I'll post an updated paleo recipe. Basically, I use more onion and real eggs.

    I like this recipe a lot. I've frozen down a portion, traveled with it frozen solid and then refrigerated it. Much better than the protein served at hotel breakfast bars, etc.

    Karen P


    1. I have learned to save recipes on my own blog, as sites/links disappear on a regular basis.

      I am posting this recipe on Monday with a link back to you and also to the original site.

      Here are some notes I am running with the recipe:

      - If I were dropping the meat and egg, I would not fry the veggies in oil, but add oil to the finished/cooked food.
      - I have bought broccoli/cabbage slaw blend for mock egg rolls. Everything is already chopped finely. Good way to get broccoli into meal. I think there might be carrots and red cabbage in the blend too.
      - For husband and I would use boneless/skinless chicken breast.
      - Since I cook all my chicken immediately upon walking in door from store, this type of recipe is very quick/easy for me.
      - I love mock egg rolls rolled in steamed cabbage leaves.
      - I would not be able to use even low sodium soy, too much salt for my inner ear. I would use hot Chinese mustard instead. I spread it on the inside of the steamed cabbage leaves before rolling.
      - I have no idea what is in Chinese Five Spice Blend, would have to check for hidden sodium.

    2. Oooh, I forgot to add that I use coconut aminos (in place of soy sauce b/c I can't have wheat anymore.) Thanks for the link back. I am looking forward to seeing how you tweak the recipe. Fun to make it your own.

    3. Vickie- could you add me to your blog? Here's my email.

      Thanks so much!

  3. Tofu would work very well in this recipe

  4. I think I sent you two invites, but I am on my iPad, so one never knows. I usually send two in case there is a problem. If neither one came thru, let me know and I will get on computer and resend. I can be loaded on feeders as I feed to them each day even though I am private.

    I was in limbo waiting for one kid to climb out of tree tops (leadership training, the rope things shown on TV) and the other kid's plane to beat the storms on the east coast. Your archives helped me pass the time and distract myself, all afternoon. I enjoyed your blog very much. You must have read me at some point in the past as I am on your list. Perhaps we were in different places then. Hills had told me we have a lot of common ground and she thought I would really enjoy your posts. I did. Thank you.

  5. Vickie. I'm in. Thanks. Glad you found the blog useful. I'll re-read your stuff. I have you on my reader. Yes, I think Hils recommended me to you. It's so good to connect with like minded people. We are stronger together!

  6. I am over 3000 posts, so I smiled at the "reread".
