Saturday, February 10, 2018

6 years in weight maintenance- the data graphs!

May 2011 to Feb 2018

May 2011 to Feb 2018

Started May 2011
Starting weight 187.4 lbs
Goal Range 113-125  lbs 
2017 best Goal Weight Range 113 to 116

Current Weight  118.4   lbs
Keeping off    69  lbs

Time in weight maintenance 6 years

Age 51
Menopause 4+years
Hashimotos 20+ years
Height 5'1"
BMI  today              22.4
BMI  ave early Feb  22.2
BMI ave January     22,2    
BMI ave December 22.0
BMI ave November 21.9

Eh, my weight is creeping upwards. Plan is to

1. Keep 17:7 or 18:6 fasting daily
2. Keep a tight hold on my total food intake, Paleo/LCHF/mild Keto
3. Destress as much as possible, non food activities
4. Get as good of sleep quality as I can, as many nights as I can

I do think that he 117's and 118's could be my normal winter weight.
I'm so fortunate to have not contracted anything worse than a very  mild cold last month.

Onward and I record data and move along. No matter what. 

What didn't work in the past

1. Eating too frequently. It's a thing for me. I can't have weight maintenance without some fasting!
2. Tracking food on My Fitness Pal (no matter what food plan, over eating = weight gain).
3. Soothing stress by eating sugar and highly palatable foods
4. Sleeping 4-5 hours a night and catching up on the weekends, being proud of it.

Carlsbad Cliffs, Feb 2018


  1. I continue to be a broken record, but you are so inspiring. I appreciate how you stay honest about your weight. And you take quick action when you want results. Many people wouldn't keep posting their weight loss on their side bar.

    I will be interested to see how your plan shakes out.

    My weight is still a little higher because of my inability to be as active as I like. But the important thing is that my clothes still fit. Weight maintenance is hard, but health problems accompanied by weight gain are harder so I've stopped the gain for now.

    1. Good stuff, Ali. Glad you are holding in there. Karen P
